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Culpan "Guilt-Givers"

In Esau, there were quite unusual creatures, who were know as Culpan, or the Culpan "Guilt-Givers". Not many of the not many remaining in Esau.
Some people of the different races of Esau still have Culpan blood.

* expressionless creatures
* their cheeks join together over the nose, so only nostrils show at base
* rune patterns in silver on their grey skin
* their bodies are a mass with feet and long arms
* blood-shot eyes

They were a race created by demons and devils of Ru'Mal to make people willing to make deals.

Guilt-givers do not use true guilt.
By manipulating the facts, they produce false guilt. The guilt is false because it is based on false information. This false guilt is slippery. Because it has little basis in the truth, the reasons behind it can be altered by the Guilt-Giver. If one reason stops working, another one can be substituted – whatever it takes to produce the desired guilt reaction.

True guilt = can be met head-on, dealt with, worked through, and forgiven.

They tend to not like assocating with the Genasi, especially the protective and giving Wood Genasi.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Feed off of gulit from others.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lock of Guilt
3rd-level enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S M (an amount of iron or steel equal to at least 30 GP)
Duration: Up to 24 hours

A heavy lock that extends out of the victim and locks shut around their very heart and soul.
As an action, you may stir up guilty feelings in your target and use this lock on those who have guilt in their hearts. Choose one target in a 10-foot radius, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw. Should they fail, the lock will attach to their heart and soul, giving them disadvantage on all Charisma checks and saving throws and halving their movement speed. Should they succeed, the lock will fail to attach and the target will be safe from further attacks by the lock for 24 hours. The lock is invisible to everyone except you. Once the lock attaches, it will not detach until the remaining hours have passed or you dismiss it as a bonus action.

At Higher Levels = When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the time the lock remains on the victim increases by 8 hours for every level above third.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They sit around in a circle playing a card game.

If apologise for interrupting
"but you have, and now you can't change that"

"There is no good answer."

"How much of my time exactly do you need?"

"I apogolised - can't you leave a person be?"

"Your sorry is so hallow"

Geographic Distribution


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