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Dream Tears

Dream Tears is a fairly newer ailment - that never existed until Dream (otherwise known as Morpheus) of The Endless, vanished, was kidnapped, from The Dream Realm.

Dream Tears is worse than standard sleep deprivation and Exhaustion. People are significantly more fatigued, having hanging eyelids, very blood shot eyes, more swollen eyes, heavy dark circles under the eyes, more wrinkle lines around the eyes, more droopy corners of the mouth, and being perceived as more sad and listless. They find it almost impossible to concentrate for more than short periods.

People do not dream anymore, and due to this The Nightmare King, also called the Nightmare Master, Black Dream, or Pitch-Black (a Night Demon named Onrisos) has taken over the sleep of mortals.


It is not easy to see how it selects victims.
Exhausted people who fall into a restless sleep suffer most. It is a short-term affliction - usually people are given herbals, magic used, or go insane (which can lead to killing self).
Does not affect Elves (as they do not sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply in a trance - remaining semiconscious for 4 hours a day) or Genasi (protected by the element they represent).


1 : a cause of persistent pain or distress a mysterious affliction.
2 : great suffering felt empathy with their affliction.
3 : the state of being afflicted by something that causes suffering.



Also known as The Nightmare King, The Lord of Nightmares, Lord Nagmerrie) was thought to be the bringer of nightmares, and had the ability to appear as animals or monsters; his pet is the Nightmare Elk, and the Night Diamond is his artifact.


Believed to bring surreal and strange dreams, and was able to appear as inanimate objects, such as stones or wood. Phantasos (a black starlight archfey) can help stop Onrisos, but seems to be unaware of any issues - has been drowsy since Morpheus has gone.
(He uses a lot of dreams that appear like Camouflage Art). The Mirror of Non-Reality is his artifact.


Dream of The Endless and his peoples, bring messages and prophesies to mortals through the medium of dreams. Morpheus himself appeared particularly to Rulers and Heroes, and often takes the appearance of a Human being, with a mop of black unruly hair.


Only a Dream Wizard, currently Juskana Maximus - a female elderly Moon Elf of those in the Prime Material Plane of Esau ( somewhere on the Northern Isle ) knows of all three rulers of The Dream Realm - she is said to live somewhere within Kilt region of Malnax.
Said to be the only one who can stop the Dream Tears ailment.




Dream Tears, can be called so for two reasons:-
1) people crying in sleep - bitter weeping
2) any wounds or injuries/tears caused in sleep, stay in a minor version when person wakes. If a person dreamings of own death, they will wake muted and be in severe pain.


Remain well rested. Avoid Exhaustion

Extremely Rare


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