BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Written by Esau Dm



The Duke, Ronald Loran Ashbornum II, has been assassinated. His wife the duchess, Dosarae, has been captured under false pretences. Their son, Ronald Loran Ashbornum III, has been rescued by his Uncle Gunther Treadmoor (brother to Duchess Dosarae). The plan Gunther was meant to follow was simple = Take the nephew Ronald Loran Ashbornum III to an unknown, abandoned location. Teach the boy (of 13 years) to fight and survive. While others determine how to free his mother so they can return to their noble home. The plan was set up years ago what the uncle was to do if anything untoward happened to the Duke and Duchess.
The problem is Gunther had aided those who wish to take control of the Royal family and other precitious families.

Gunther Treadmoor

He is a broad-shoulder Human, with a deep voice and rough hands. His black hair and long beard hide much of his features. His brown eyes seem so small and indented into his face. Axe resting against solid leg. A staff lends touching his left arm. He looks like a woodcutter or a boar hunter. Confident. Intimidating.

Ronald Loran Ashbornum III (Loran)

The boy is as skinny as his uncle is broad, and only comes up to the man’s chest. He has soft skin and looks pampered. His face is usual in a scowl. His voice is a mix of highs and some lows. He is awkward with long limbs. He seems uncomfortable in the weathered clothing, as if it itches. His hair is growing but still short and face youthful.

DAY 1:


It is mid Summer and the days are long. Money is getting short. Anyway, each of you have a reason to feel the need to be on the move once more. Each are looking for work where ever it may be. Checking for anything that seems worth your time.


You have been in the town of Redhaven for a day. The town is so named as it is tucked away from the busy world and the trees surrounding it have the deep red bark. The houses reflect the deep red in their wooden structures.
You travelled alone. You came here to find the Dragonborn known only as Wilbur The Wanderer. It is rumoured that he was raised here. He is a follower of Ioun and you believe has knowledge that you seek.


C2 have arrived in Millvale only a few hours. C5 you arrived in only an hour before. Your journey had been long and the locals are friendly as they go about their day in this busy life of this milling town. The tower of the silo at the mill was the first thing you noticed as you arrived.
You both find yourself being invited to a meal by a dwarf named Flint Brawnanvil.

“Do come, I have no one to dine with in this evening. It is my birthday afterall..” Says Flint


C3 arrived in Bodmoor this morning. It is a nice size town which encroaches on the moor to the East. You head to the Ale House (The Goat’s Head) on the main street to look for work.

The day has yet to yield any work, that had not already been taken.
You sit in the tavern, waiting for the crowds, eating a meal of watery soup which appears to have some uncertain meat with thin pieces of vegetables floating, no bread. (The Half-Elf Heath (Dawkins) tending the bar told you they are waiting for deliver from Millvale).


You have been working in the Ale House (The Goat’s Head) for two weeks now. You are over being shouted at, shoved and cheekily pinched by a few patrons. You hope that better work comes along soon. The Half-Elf Heath (Dawkins) is grump with the delivery of bread not yet come from Millvale.

CHARACTER 1 (mage)

You hear through the usual channels (verbal only) of a person looking for a mage to earn 200gp for a simple MEND cottage task. So you meet on the steps of the small tavern, as the sunsets, with the man who introduces himself as Gunther Treadmoor. He has you to mend a broken ceramic mug and wooden sign.
SUCCESS x2 = going
SUCCESS x1 = given another try
FAIL = offers you a roll as bodyguard instead (25gp and 175gp later)
1 = Laughs at you and walks away; tells you to go practice or get enchanted
20 = very impressed – get extra try
CANNOT = gives you scroll of mending – then try ...

Gunther tells you he will pay you 25gp now and higher rate of 250gp when he meets you at the cottage. He wants you to travel with stealth and caution to the location – he has a map he will give you. The map is magic, so will reveal as you move. It insists you follow the path given, cross the river a number of times, and leave no sign of your presence.
To kill no animal or cut no plants/trees.
To tell no one “Not neven your lover, nor your mother” where you are even in the region of Agwain.
He gives you 2 keys – 1 to rear door of cottage. Other is for you to trade with other person who will turn up with items and food. He says it is a 10 hour walk which needs to be done in daylight, so you should leave early the next morning. Map leads into the forest from the EAST.


You can now see the church steeple within Bodmoor across the moor. It is a welcome sight. The sun is low in the sky as you heard towards the town.
You follow Four Human males into the Ale House (The Goat’s Head).


The sound increases as a four loud Human men enter the Ale House.


You watch as Four Human males into the Ale House (The Goat’s Head).
You recognise one of them, a Dwarf (Zane Flick) as a regular pincher of bottoms.

A man yells “drinks are on me”. The bar becomes a crowd of milling locals and travellers alike.
* Push forward – get drink
* Wait – find self handed a drink by a passing tavern staff, who are serving numerous drinks to a pushy, loud crowd


In the town you each are in ( Redhaven, Millvale and Bodmoor ), as you consider heading off to bed, you notice that you and all strangers seem to being watched closely by the guards.
ROLL 1d20
1 = Don’t know why – like the attention a little bit
2-8 = hear the words “title” and “murdered”
9-15 = rumours of a noble family has been murdered
16-19 = a duke has been assassinated, the duchess imprisoned
20 = Duke Ronald Loran Ashbornum II has been assassinated, the duchess Dosarae is imprisoned and their son Ronald Loran Ashbornum III is “missing”
21+ = Duke Ashbornum has been assassinated, the duchess imprisoned and their son is in danger but gone “missing”


DAY 2:


You head out at dawn, after a hearty breakfast.
SAY WHEN MEET “The sun sets only once a day.”
Stealth – leave tracks or break branches
Perception – see a silver pseudodragon not close enough to harm


You hear through the usual channels (verbal only) of a person looking for a strong person to earn 200gp for a haul stuff to a cottage task.
After a light breakfast, you meet with the man who introduces himself as Gunther Treadmoor. He asks what weight you can carry.
Outside he has 3 boxes of different sizes (10<) (14<) (17<) you to try and lift in order of size:-
SUCCESS on 3 = going
LIFTS 2 = going ($25 gold and $100 later try 3rd one again
LIFTS 1 = offered job as bodyguard ($25 and $175 later)
1 = Laughs at you and walks away; tells you to go practice or get enchanted
20 = very impressed – get extra try

Gunther tells you he will pay you 25gp now and higher rate of 250gp when he meets you at the cottage. He wants you to travel with stealth and caution to the location – he has a map he will give you. The map is magic, so will reveal as you move. It insists you follow the path given and leave no sign of your presence. To kill no animal or cut no plants/trees.
To tell no one “Not even your lover, or your mother” where you are even in the region of Agwain.

He gives you 2 keys – 1 to rear door of cottage. Other is for you to trade with other person who will already be there mending the cottage. He says it is a 10 hour walk which needs to be done in daylight, so you should leave early the next morning. MAP leads into the forest from the SOUTH-WEST.


Map leads into the forest from the EAST you follow path. (decide if follow completely)
YES – no troubles
SOME – odd things
1 = trouble
20 = beauty
NO – Gets quite lost and have to return to mark on map
AS REACH COTTAGE – ROLL perception for traps

Sinking sand = 1-5 (5 >)
Net = 6–8 (7 >)
Hole = 9-12 (6 >)

If caught in trap, have to wait.

If not caught it a trap -


It is old and worn.
(1)Tree has fallen against the chimmney. Rats inside.
(2) Missing floorboards.
(3) Roof thin.
(4) Bedroom door off hinges.
(5) Mattress on one bed has huge holes. Bats roosting in kitchen
(6) broken window
(7) outside table has snapped in half
(8) Water well has broken handle.
ROLL Perception (12<) notice wood shed is undamaged.




You head out at dawn, after a hearty breakfast.
SAY WHEN MEET “Any less and the world may stop turning.”
Stealth – leave tracks or break branches
Perception – see a silver pseudodragon not close enough to harm

AFTER 1st set of ROLL – switch to CHARACTER 3 and CHARACTER 4


You hear through the usual channels (verbal only) of two or more people looking for bodyguards to earn $250 Gold to get them safely to a new location.
Before even stopping for breakfast, you meet with the man who introduces himself as Gunther Treadmoor.
He asks you a question:-
“If we happen to wake a bear, and my nephew goes to run. What would you do?”
GRAB or STOP BOY = going
KILL BEAR = going
DON”T KNOW = not suitable
SAVE SELF = not suitable

Gunther tells you he will pay you each 75gp now and 175gp when he and his nephew get safely to the cottage. He wants you to travel with stealth and caution to the location – he has a map that he will keep on him. It insists you follow the path he will give and leave no sign of your presence. To kill no animal or cut no plants/trees.
To tell no one “Not even your lover, nor your mother” where you are even in the region of Agwain.
He suggests you do not speak to anyone, until it is time to go. He is off to find the additional member of the party.
He tells you it is a long journey and to meet them at midday, for a hearty meal.
He says it might be slow “Slower than I am use to, the lad is too city-breed”.

So after a light breakfast, you meet with the man who introduces himself as Gunther Treadmoor.
He asks you a question:-
“If we happen to wake a bear, and my nephew goes to run. What would you do?”
GRAB or STOP BOY = going
KILL BEAR = going
DON”T KNOW = not suitable
SAVE SELF = not suitable

Gunther tells you he will pay you each 75gp now and 175gp when he and his nephew get safely to the cottage. He wants you to travel with stealth and caution to the location – he has a map that he will keep on him. It insists you follow the path he will give and leave no sign of your presence. To kill no animal or cut no plants/trees.
To tell no one “Not even your lover, nor your mother” where you are even in the region of. He suggests you do not speak to anyone, until it is time to go.
He tells you it is a long journey and to meet them at midday, for a hearty meal, with him, his nephew and the other member of the party.
He says it might be slow “Slower than I am use to, the lad is too city-breed”.


ROLL to achieve MENDS – takes as long as needs
1 = another part breaks as something falls (window, cupboard, floorboard, drawers)
20 = mend and brightens
20 < very strong/sturdy


At lunch, Gunther is weary and has his 13 year old nephew who he introduces as Loren with him. Guther rarely speaks his nephew's name after that. Boy barely talks. Another person is at the table.

You CHARACTER 3 then CHARACTER 4 introduces yourself. (describe self)

After meal, collect packs and mounts. Ride to next town (4.5 hours).


Map leads into the forest from the EAST you follow path. (decide if follow completely)
YES – no troubles
SOME – odd things
1 = trouble
20 = beauty
NO – Gets quite lost and have to return to mark on map

Stealth – leave tracks or break branches
Perception – see a silver pseudodragon 80ft away (dense trees)|


ROLL to achieve MENDS – takes as long as needs
1 = another part breaks as something falls (window, cupboard, floorboard, drawers)
20 = mend and brightens
20 < very strong/sturdy


If CHARACTER 1 not caught in a trap
AS REACH COTTAGE – ROLL perception for traps
Sinking sand 1-5 (5 >)
Net 6–8 (7 >)
Hole 9-12 (6 >)

If CHARACTER 1 trapped FREE THEM – no more traps
TALK - Next trap (1-6 and 7-10)
LEAVE – next trap (1-8 and 9-14)
KILL – sinking sand or hole with spikes


COTTAGE is old – some repairs have started.
(1)Tree has fallen against the chimmney. Rats inside.
(2) Missing floorboards.
(3) Roof thin.
(4) Bedroom door off hinges.
(5) Mattress on one bed has huge holes. Bats roosting in kitchen
(6) broken window
(7) outside table has snapped in half
(8) Water well has broken handle
IF C1 didn’t - ROLL Perception (12<) notice wood shed is undamaged.

END of DAY 3:


Sitting on doorstep, after long day mending – see person approaching. As get close see it is (CHARACTER 2 describe self)


Sighting the cottage, you notice the rear door is open and you see someone sitting there. As you approach you see they are (CHARACTER 1 describe self)

CHARACTER 1 = SAY WHEN MEET “The sun sets only once a day.”

CHARACTER 2 = SAY WHEN MEET “Any less and the world may stop turning.”


Eats evening meal paid for by Gunther. Switch who is on guard outside caring for mounts. Gunther decides to sells mounts.

CHARACTER 3 then CHARACTER 4 sleep at Tavern in Millvale





Eat breakfast. They walk to path to enter forest to the NORTH. After following the path for 20 minutes reach crossroads, Gunther goes EAST.


ROLL to achieve MENDS – takes as long as needs
1 = another part breaks as something falls (window, cupboard, floorboard, drawers)
20 = mend and brightens
20 > very strong/sturdy


Continue to ROLL Strength as move furniture
(1) Bed; (2) Dresser; (3) Cooker; (4) Bed; (5) Solid Table; (6) Gather wood



Walk for 1 hour longer, Gunther suddenly leads you through a patch in the trees, off the path. He reminds you to “Leave no footprints and damage no life”.
Stealth – leave tracks or break branches
Perception – see a silver pseudodragon

Walk on until facing WEST – ROLL perception (spiral)
IF other characters failed Perception or Stealth Gunther mutters.


ROLL to achieve MENDS – takes as long as needs
1 = another part breaks as something falls (window, cupboard, floorboard, drawers)
20 = mend and brightens
20 > very strong/sturdy


Continue to ROLL Strength as move furniture
(1) Bed; (2) Dresser; (3) Cooker; (4) Bed; (5) Solid Table; (6) Gather wood

* Have to stop for night.



Gunther won’t allow fires to be lit. Eat cold meats. Loran is amazed by the stars through the trees,
talks until falls asleep - do watches

CHARACTER 3 & CHARACTER 4 take turns on guard. Only act as “SHORT REST”



“Leave no sign of us” Gunther says as he moves leaves around and checks Loran and his own packs.
ROLL perception – spot dropped emblem of Duke (14<)

Keep walking for most of day. As reach near Cottage, Gunther becomes slower and cautious.

CHARACTER 3 and CHARACTER 4 with Gunther ...
If CHARACTER 1 nor CHARACTER 2 are not caught in a trap
AS REACH COTTAGE – ROLL perception for traps
Sinking sand 1-5 (3 >)
Net 6–8 (5 >)
Hole 9-12 (4 >)
If CHARACTER 1 and/or CHARACTER 2 trapped
FREE THEM – no more traps
TALK - Next trap (1-6 and 7-10)
LEAVE – next trap (1-8 and 9-14)
KILL – sinking sand or hole with spikes (20>)

If both trapped Cottage is a mess. If neither – looks homely although old.



It is old and worn.
(1)Tree has fallen against the chimmney. Rats inside.
(2) Missing floorboards.
(3) Roof thin.
(4) Bedroom door off hinges.
(5) Mattress on one bed has huge holes. Bats roosting in kitchen
(6) broken window
(7) outside table has snapped in half
(8) Water well has broken handle.
ROLL Perception (12<) notice wood shed is undamaged.

Gunther cautiously checks around, looking at repairs and comments. He goes looks at wood shed. (If not notice before – disadvantage on next perception roll)
He talks to Loran and animatedly shows him inside. The silver Pseudodragon Sugus flies onto his shoulder (if not wounded).
If hurt, Gunther asked if seen a silver Pseudodragon.
LIE = deception check
TRUTH = Charisma check

ROLL 1d20 to hear what is said.
(10<) “If there is any trouble, you hide down here. This is not any usual wood shed.”

A hearty meal cooked by CHARACTER 1 and/or CHARACTER 2

Gunther cautiously checks all locks and windows, before bed.



After breakfast, Gunther speaks you all. He reveals a hidden cupboard behind the curtain. He tells you that he will put your payment inside until it is time for you each to depart.
Gunther will listen to no complaints.
Then taking the two keys makes them into a single key and locks all the gold away inside the secret cupboard.

Then you are all sent outside. It is a cloudless day with a slight, fresh breeze. You have hot drinks in hand, sitting around the mended outside table, enjoying the lovely view. You realise it is the first time the 4 of you have sat down together without them. Chatting casually.
Inside Gunther and Loran asked for privacy (pseudodragon Sugus stays inside) – talking of plans now that they got to the cottage.

Quiet morning. (Too Quiet.)
PARTY ROLL perception – notice no birds (Nature check)


The band of thuds/bandits (x5) at first. (+2 after first one dies) ... (+4 after that) ROLL intuitive ... fight order

As told Loran goes hides inside the Wood Shed.
Gunther fights along side you.


(a) attacks PLAYER closet to wood shed
(b) covers, from a distance, with bow (a)
(c) attacks PLAYER closest
(d) attacks PLAYER closest to door
(e) attacks other PLAYER


(e) attacks Gunther
(f) goes for wooden shed
THEN each attack a PLAYER
(h) C1
(i) C2
(j) C3
(k) C4


Heal PARTY, if possible.
Loran is safe or captured?
Is Gunther hurt or dazed, saying orders where to take Loran, or unharmed?

Loran CAPTURED – go on trail with Gunther
Gunther HURT – listen to words
“Take him to my wife Daisena – she will take him to her sister’s. It is a fair travel, but there he will be safe.”

IF ALL safe then ... Discuss plans.
Gunther insists alone he will take his nephew to WIFE Daisena (far away) who will take Loran on to her sister’s.
He tells you to go North. In the town of Wayward find the cottage with the G Symbol on the wall. If you say who sent you, they will let you stay for a fair price, for the night.


You four guard outside, while they park inside.
How long before go in?


ROLL Perception
1 = trip over waling inside
• the cabin is empty of people (2-4)
• the cabin front door is wide open (5-7)
• your packs have been emptied out (8-10)
• nothing is missing from the packs (11-12)
• the secret cupboard is open (13-16)
• all the money is gone (17-18)
• there is no note (19)
• four minor healing Potions inside at the back (21+)
20 = notice all of it at once and see Duke Emblem slipped under bed


Head out of forest without sign of Gunther, Loran or the psuedodragon. It is late afternoon.

Going North you travel to Wayward (closest) as you hope to find out news of where Gunther Treadmoor went. Night has fallen by the time you reach the town.

GO to house he suggested
+ Wife Gnome (Nyxra) unhappy, but Husband Gnome (Brocc Raulnor) says “I am not crossing that Mage.”
+ Wife whispers to C3 - “Speak to the Tiefling Corrie, she is the only one BRAVE enough to tell you.”

GO to shop
+ shopping for items
+ IF Ask of Gunther “No one uses his name. Except that Tiefling.”
+ IF Ask of Corrie - “find her near Stables.”
+ IF ask about Wilbur The Wanderer - “Wilbur headed through only a week maybe ago. Heading up North.”

GO to Tavern + Bartender Halfling (Cade Tealeaf) stands on high stool to serve patrons
+ not happy to speak about Gunther “No one uses his name.” ... Cade sends you outside.
+ If ask for Corrie ... Cade sends you outside.

Walk streets + Speak to Tiefling (Corrie) “I can tell you a bit, but walls have ears. We shall walk a while.”
FOLLOW Corrie inside Stables – only mounts inside.
“That Mage is not who he seems. Duke Ronald Loran Ashbornum II has been assassinated, the Duchess Dosarae, Gunther’s sister, is imprisoned on Dull Island, and their son Ronald Loran Ashbornum III is “missing”. If the word I hear is correct, Gunther Treadmoor is the cause. He has charmed his nephew into trusting him. They will have gone through Serenity Pass. Gunther talks of his wife Daisena who lives in Finn Harbour – yet I am to believe they are not married at all. Do not follow him until you are certain you can better him. A plot against the throne of Malnox? That is my guess. If you seek more, I will find out what I may, and speak with you tomorrow.”
IF ask about Wilbur The Wanderer - “Wilbur has not long travelled past. He was heading North to the region of Jingré, truth be told.”