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Kobold and the Storm Giant


Once there was a kobold who was a forest dwelling scavenger who lived on the Northern isle. Close by Fogi island had a massive problem. There was an angry Storm Giant who terrorised the people of Fogi island. He started bragging to other giants that none of the humanoids of Esau would dare to fight him.

The Storm Giant was described as cruel, hateful, violent, injustice, and stood at a height of “ten and two cubits and six span,” which would put him at over 26 feet (7.9 meters) tall. He had a helmet of bronze on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail - the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze. He had greaves of bronze on his legs and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders. The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron. A pair of small giants carried the Storm Giant’s great shield a head of him.

The soldiers were all afraid of the Storm Giant. Storm Giant humiliated the locals with further taunts. The rulers of Fogi island were at a loss how to stop him.

At that juncture, the small kobold who had travelled with other to bring provisions to the people of Fogi island, became conscious of the true severity of the situation. The more he heard the more the kobold had become maddened and determined to stop the Storm Giant. The young kobold was fearless, stubborn, determined, and devoted to his faith in his chosen deities of Gil'lon The Master Cat, along with Eldath and Mielikki.

Indignant at the audacity of the Storm Giant, the kobold volunteered to take him on, and the young creature offered himself as a fighter to the rulers of Fogi islands. The kobold, who had heard enough of the Storm Giant’s terrible ways, decided to face Storm Giant himself. At first, the rulers were incredulous: “No Kobold are able to go against this Storm Giant and win. To fight with him is deadly - for you are just a boy, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”

But the kobold protested that, as a savenger living in the woods, he had successfully fought off wolves and bears. Then added, with considerable bravado, “this evil monster shall be like one of them”.

Persuaded, the rulers endeavored to outfit the young kobold with the king’s own armour, but the kobold was unable to move under such weight and so encumbered.

The kobold gathered a few large stones from the dry creek bed, the kobold went out with a simple sling shot in hand, to meet the armoured Storm Giant. The kobold only had stopped to see a friendly Wizard.

A massive crowd gathered to watch the fight. Not many giants stayed, once they saw the small creature to face the Storm Giant.

Shocked at David’s youth and small stature, and certainly more than a little insulted that the humanoids would have chosen such a pathetic champion to confront him. The Storm Giant cried, “Am I a hound pup, that you come to me with stones? ... Come at me with your champion, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the wild animals of the field.”

The Storm Giant further ridiculed the small creature.
“If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will giants will leave the Fogi island, but if I prevail against him and kill him, then you and all generations after you shall be our servants and serve us”

The Kobold only had said “Gil'lon The Master Cat, along with Eldath and Mielikki will guide me. They are more powerful than all of the negativity of the sinful.”

He stood steady with all his faith of his deities and abilities. He had gotten the wizard to cast magic stone on three of the large stone. The kobold had put one in his sling and flung it at the Storm Giant.

The first stone had hit the Storm Giant's shoulder of his weapon arm. The second stone smacked the Storm Giant in the shin.

The kobold slung a third stone that embedded itself in the Storm Giant’s forehead. The prodigious warrior fell prone to the ground. At which point, the kobold decapitated the Storm Giant with the giant's own sword.

Then the kobold dragged the head of the Storm Giant all the way to the rulers castle. All the giants soon left the Fogi Island, the first place they disappeared from. Then They left the Northern Isle. Fogi Island was protected. The savenger kobold had saved the people of Fogi island.

~ based on David and Goliath story ~


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