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The Oakveil Clan

The Oakveil Clan - a Tabaxi clan hidden within a Oak forest of Blanc Fuegó, Tucalyos (the Long Isle). Their origins are from the Pelago Islands.

The Clan all follow both Gil'lon The Master Cat, as well as The Raven Queen (her Winter aspect).

The Oakveil Clan of Tabaxi live within the Oak Forest which is near the small city Daneca, which surrounds The Raven Queen's Ice Temple home of Ice Priestress Naline.

Not all of the clan remain in the icey region of Blanc Fuegó.
Those who chose to move to Jeyton City, Genx, Malnax find the three clans have reunited there.

Many centeries ago the Tabaxi tribes of Esau , split into three clans - The Whispering Coast Clan lives in the Northern Isle ; The Watching Peaks Clan lives in and around the Enrail Peaks of Sharktail Cape , Munlef , Malnax ; and The Oakveil Clan who took to the icey region of Blanc Fuegó , Tucalyos .

Each clan still follows Gil'lon The Master Cat .


Culture and cultural heritage

It is usual for a Tabaxi of the Oakveil Clan to take a pilgrimage to the Pelago Islands for two years in their early twenties. Encouraged to know the clans origins.

Common Myths and Legends

Many centeries ago the Tabaxi tribes of Esau, split into three clans - The Whispering Coast Clan lives in the Northern Isle; The Watching Peaks Clan lives in and around the Enrail Peaks of Sharktail Cape, Munlef, Malnax; and the Oakveil Clan who took to the icey region of Blanc Fuegó, Tucalyos.
Each still follow Gil'lon The Master Cat.

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