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Zariel "Companion of Light" (a.k.a. ArchDuch)

Titles: Lord of the First Hell; Archduch of Avernus
Home: Avernus - 1st level of The Hells; (Formly: Celestia)
Gender: Non-binary
Race: Archdevil; (Formerly: Solar)
Patron deity: Asmodeus; (Formerly: The Morning Lord - Lathander/Amaunator)
Known language(s): All spoken and written

Zariel was originally a Solar from Celestia, before transforming into an Archdevil and falling to The Hells.

Zariel's original form, as an angelic warrior:
Was a tall beautiful solar celestial with flawless skin, golden hair, gold-feathered wings, and a blindfold covering their eyes.

After their descent, Zariel took on a diabolical appearance:
Wears a halo of fire burned atop their bald head, their once-fine skin is deeply scorched dark red, and their angelic wings have been blackened annd turned leathery, ruined by flames. Zariel's blindfold has been abandoned, which revealled eyes that glowed with white-hot rage. Also, they have lost one of their hands at the wrist - replaced it with a flail.

Zariel is the current lord of Avernus the first layer of The Hells - they are known as Archduch dedicated to triumph in theWarlock War - also endless The Blood War between Demons and Devils) .

Asmodeus, ruler of the 9th level of The Hells, allowed Zariel to recover in Nessus from their wounds sustained by their fall before assigning them as ArchDuch of Avernus.

“My legions are the only thing standing between your precious Celestia and the bottomless hunger of the Abyss. I do not fall into the clutches of evil. I raise up to shoulder a cosmic burden.” ~ Zariel

Divine Domains


The seat of Zariel's power in Avernus, the first level of The Hells, is within a massive basalt citadel that spanned an area of 5 square miles (13 square kilometres). The citadel's walls are festooned with the partially burned bodies of those that disappointed the ArchDuch - many still screaming and moaning in dying agony and audible from up to 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) away.

The citadel is manned by hundreds of various devils, both inside and out, and protected by high turrets that reinforced the walls. The region surrounding the citadel was also altered by Zariel's magic. 10‑foot-high (3‑metre) gouts of flames burst from the ground 60 feet (18 metres) apart from each other within 1 mile (1.6 kilometres) of the fortress, as well as sight-obscuring smoke that clouded it between 500 feet (150 metres) and 2 miles (3.2 kilometres) away, and the smell of charred meat and screaming voices that can be perceived from up to 9 miles (14 kilometres) away.

Within the bounds of this lair, Zariel can create continuous fireballs, as well as major images to frighten their enemies - Zariel preferred to form images of those fighting loved ones being burned alive, in cleansing fire.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Zariel's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 26).
They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will:
= alter self (can become a Medium Creature when changing their appearance),
= detect evil and good,
= fireball,
= invisibility (self only),
= wall of fire,

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Weakness: paralyzed condition

Specialized Equipment

While Zariel was still a Solar of Celestia, they wielded a longsword that was lost along with their hand during their original descent into Avernus within The Hells.
The Sword of Zariel, as it came to be known, was hidden by a most loyal general, Yael, and her Hollyphant companion Lulu.
The sword not only contains an angelic spark, but also has every ounce of a hollyphant's celestial energies poured into it - enough that a fortress against the evils of Avernus sprung up around the blade.

As this sentient artifact is capable of destroying many of the nigh-indestructible of The Hells - however the sword can decide who is worthy enough to wielding it. If someone is able to attune to its power, then there is a physical and magical transformation into an idealized, angelic version of the creature's former self.

Some time after their transformation, Zariel managed to take the hammer Matalotok, an ancient weapon forged by Thrym, from the demon lord Kostchtchie, and started wielding it.

Among Zariel's dangerous weapons were their flying fortresses, massive basalt citadels that are usually repaired and serviced at the rusting Stygian Docks, and fueled by souls extracted directly from the River Styx.
One such vehicle is a colossal structure shaped like a blade, a 450‑foot (140‑meter) tall fortress that was crewed by hundreds of devils and can be controlled telepathically only by Zariel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A Solar of such beauty and elegant grace with a strong aligment to lawful good. They were part of The Morning Lord, Lathander/Amaunator celestial warriors.

Zariel went on that mission which brought them against greater devils of The Hells. Zariel was tasked with tracking the progress of the Blood War in Avernus, but from continued exposure to the conflict, they developed an obsession with War and a taste for battle. Zariel was always impetuous in nature, and could not ignore the desire to fight within themself - however any requests from Zariel were consistently blocked by her angelic peers.
Zariel found themself enthralled and envious of the powers of those archdevils.

While restoring themself in Avernus, Zariel succumbed to the corrupting nature of The Hells, and Asmodeus made them an archdevil and dubbed Zariel his champion.

Zariel 's transformation to an Archdevil happened during the brutish Warlock Wars (also the beginning of the neverending The Blood Wars between Demons and Devils).

Zariel is (in many ways always was) a warmonger obsessed with battle, someone who lives to fight and judged others on their combat skills and willingness to use them. They prize zealous fury as much as discipline and training, and they led many troops into battle themself with iron resolve, carving through enemy armies, and leaving many a structure in ruin, as Zariel carved their war path.

NOTE: During The Warlock Wars, many deities, archangels, archdevils, and other immortal creatures took the timing to increase their inflluence on the humaniods of Esau . One of the quickest ways is to influence moarning parents and fearful children; tricking them into taking on a patron.

Gender Identity

Non-binary who never, as Solar or an archdevil, took on the pronouns of female or male.

Personality Characteristics


Zariel has a notorious foul temper, with their poor emotional control impeding any ability to act rationally and pragmatically - as exemplified by their refusal to play politics.

Their approach of charging head-first into dangerous situations led by their own righteous wrath is the opposite of the carefully calculating Bel - He was, at heart, a realist, aware that the infinite nature of demonkind left him only capable of a stalemate against their innumerable horde.

Zariel, despite their cynicism, was an idealist - they genuinely believing that a mere host of mortals lead by them, was ready for battle would fare well in Avernus, only for a great number of them to fall in battle, or flee from the fear-radiating fiends.

The nature of The Hells has corrupted many, and Avernus in particular specialises in the abuse of a flaw that frequently affected angels: hubris.
Angels have a sense of infallibility about their actions, and Zariel's anger has been only further inflamed by the righteousness with which they perceive it.
Asmodeus praised Zariel for the strength of their convictions, yet it was Zariel's unswerving rage that had cemented their downfall. As they had become so zealously hell-bent on fighting that Zariel grew willing to abandon many of their principles, and in doing so sacrificed the very innocent lives they had once sworn to protect in order to destroy the demonic menace.

Zariel's transformation also came with undeniable drawbacks. They now lack the divine awareness that allowed all Solars of Celestia to detect lies, as well as their truesight - instead possessing the devil power to see through magical darkness.


Zariel considers hygiene very important in everyday life - for everyone: soldier to slave. Only their method of cleansing has changed - the hotter water the better.

Previously, they used the sun-warmed clear waters of Celestia to wash. However, in Avernus Zariel used the murky boiling waters found in the first level of The Hells.

Divine Classification
Lawful Evil (previously Lawful Good)
Current Status
Fighting the Blood Wars
Current Location
they / them
Ruled Locations


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