Precivilization in Escan | World Anvil
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In the beginning, there were all walks of life. The oceans of cerulean blue, large animals walked Escan, and Giants followed the herds. In the beginning, Humans, Khaosai, and Dofuans huddled in groups in places they thought safe. Up in a tree, in a mountain, or under the ground. Some did sleep in the open, but it was dangerous, because the night was full of terrors. Dire Wolves, Prakas and Dragons roamed the open, preying on the weak to eat them. Once the primitives began to figure how to use the earth to their advantage, to provide shelter and safety, the wild beasts kept away. For a time, everything was simple and difficult to achieve, for they had no magic.
TABLE OF CONTENTS   I. Pre-Civilization   II. Discovery of Magic   III The First Stationary Tribes   I. The Immeranians   II. The Kafutaes   III. The Bayv Norans   IV. The Danudas   V. The Celphs   IV. Conclusion

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