Creation Myth- As told by Tharizdun

“Behold the truth hidden from the annals of time.” He held his hands before him and between them swirled a miniature galaxy of stars and planets Primordial energy. “In the time before time, there existed only two. Brothers they were, and, as such, they comforted each other as only family could. Together we created the entirety of existence, both material and extraplanar.”   “The Brothers thought to themselves that they would create something beautiful, life. From our own essence did the gods take form. Each aspect of the two, now spread between their progeny: their wrath, lust, grace, anger, magic… etc.”   “Together, they travelled the realms with their children, taking in the marvels of their own creation. The brothers then breathed life into the realm, giving form to the Precursors, for them to live in and enjoy this land. I gave free will to the mortals, much to my brother's dismay.”   “Together with our children we watched as the Mortals grew and learned. They in turn created their own wonders and powerful magics. Though as they grew in strength and number, so too did the greed in their hearts. Once they had mastered the land, soon did they turn on their creator, waging war against the gods.”   “In his fury, my brother smote the upstarts, causing the first cataclysm. Though I tried to reason with him, his wrath was too great. After he turned his eyes from the realm, I created the younger races in secret, sheltering them from his eyes. Giving them both free will and a sense of Fate, binding them in an unspoken covenant to never again turn their ire towards the heavens, lest again the inhabitants of this world be destroyed.”   “After a time, my creations grew and so did my brother's suspicions. He turned his Ire against me. We waged war throughout time itself. Eventually he smote me down, and imprisoned me. In his own guilt and hubris, wiped the memory of me from the annals of time.”


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