
Myrkul , also known as the Lord of Bones, the Lord of the Dead and the Reaper, is a god of the dead.   His influence in Eserine was inspired through the fear of death. Myrkul isn't widely worshiped so much as dreaded, and even blamed for the natural difficulties that accompanied growing old. He mastered the skill of sparking unease and fear amongst mortals through every action or mere word. His face, the white skull shrouded in a black cowl, was recognized across the Realms as the symbol of fear and death, the paragon of nightmares. It was very important to Myrkul that Eserines always kept him in the back of their mind. He never missed an opportunity to remind the world that he was waiting for them all.   The avatar of Myrkul appeared as a skeleton of a man hidden in flowing black robes. His wrinkled, lesioned skin and blackened, cracked lips gave the appearance he was just on the verge of death. He spoke in a rather high whisper, though his words never showed enough inflection to convey feeling or concern.     The worship of Myrkul was never popular in Eserine, His worshipers, who were often undertakers in one form or another, were a morose, secretive lot, reticent to share their faith with those outside his meager and unorganized church. These Myrkulytes were tasked with ensuring the people of Eserine both feared and respected death. To aggrandize Myrkul's power they would propagate rumors that merely touching one of his priests would bring certain death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Myrkul was a white skull inset into a black triangle
Divine Classification
Dark God


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