Technological Wonders

Technological wonders, a mix of applied arcane magicks and science. These items were developed and created by the Aetherium.    

Items that are available fairly regularly to the PCs:


Airships: An aircraft lighter than air that is kept in the air by one or more compartments filled with gas and that has an elemental engine and steering.   Light Rails: Lightning fast trains that wind throughout Avera.   Automobiles: Fast vehicles powered by elementals.   Elemental Powered Engines: Engines that harness the raw energy of Elementals.  
Advanced Technology:

Crystal Cell Phones: Communications devices with basic search functions on the World Wide Crystal Net. Allows for calls or textual messages to be sent.   Crystal Processors: Powers Crystal Cell phones and Computers.   Computers: Its a computer.   World Wide Crystal Net: The WWCN is a world wide information network. Access is available via Cell phones or Computer devices. +2 History check bonus.   Television: a telecommunication medium for transmitting moving images and sound.

Items that are rarer or kept under wraps:

  These Items are either not open to the public or hidden from the masses.   DC 15 Arcana Check to recall if you know about these.
Astral Gateways: ????? CLASSIFIED.   Planar Travel: Travel the planes via powerful majicks.   Resurrection Pods: Place a dead body in. Boom they are alive again.* **   *Revivecorp is not liable for madness or possession of the body during or after resurrection. ** Due to the expensive nature of resurrection, this is not openly available to the public. Only the wealthy and powerful have the connections to visit these. Additionally you can only be brought back by the pods once. After that the usual methods will suffice.
Aetherium Institute
Access & Availability


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