Tout Le Monde
Treasure, beyond worth. Hidden somewhere in the universe. Vast and filled with gold beyond imagination.
Legend states that the Starl harvested their star. Greedily they dug and ended up killing the star. Lost without a source of light, generations left the Starl Homeworld. Taking with it the Legend of Tout Le Monde. All the worlds treasure.
Historical Basis
The Starl forged their treasure from the heart of their sun. They dug deep and found rich liquid metal. They harnessed these metals and created the Tout Le Monde. The stars very treasure taken from the sun.
In Literature
Very few writings exist that mention the Tout Le Monde. As such the Starl are very secretive about the location of their homeworld. Stating that it is lost amongst the sea of stars.
In Art
Piles of treasure, glinting gold, and rare metals.