World Wide Crystal Net

Gone are the days of waiting months for reply's via mail, or hunting down a wizard for a sending spell and hoping they know the person. Introducing the World Wide Crystal Net! "Information at your fingertips"- Doxi Dimplebag,Oracle Intelligence Symposium
    The WWCN is a world wide information network created by Oracle Intelligence out of Union . Access is available via Cell phones or Computer devices.    

Player Mechanics

+2 History check bonus.


Created by the mages of Oracle Intelligence, what goes into its creation is an industry secret.

Social Impact

Greatly improved the speed of messages and information gathering. What was not common knowledge is now at your fingertips with a simple search.
by Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Oracle Intelligence
Access & Availability
Widely available. Some access needed for sensitive information. Please see your users guide for more information.
Highly complex magical apparatus. Simple to use, hard to implement.


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