Xanathar aka Xan

Lord of Avera Xanathar (a.k.a. Xan)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xanathar is a Air genie, Freed with the conditions that he watch over and protect Avera. He does so from his Tower. The Chaos Crew returned his lamp, aka the Magic Fun Ball to him. And they became fast friends.   Before Avera was founded, he was an enslaved Genie, to an unknown Master (now dead). Promised his freedom by this Master he toiled away at his masters wishes until he earned his freedom. But that freedom wasn't true freedom. As he was commanded to watch and guide Avera as its guardian.   300 years ago, he aided the Chaos Crew in their quest to save the world. He was able to turn the battle at kisfire by using the Orb of Dragon control. Showing immense power and mental fortitude by summoning flights of dragons to the aid of the Crew.   This action of using the Orb of Dragon Control, left him weak and with sickness for many years.   He has since been more reclusive in his tower, making minor appearances at council meetings and public events. He teaches a yearly symposium on the Chaos Crew, with Ozren. These symposiums are more like reminiscing sessions with the Druid and answering questions from the crowd of eager students.

Mental Trauma

Controlling the Dragon Orb during the Night of Retribution took a great toll on his physical and mental constitution. Tho many years has past he still is on occasion wracked with pain.   He also still mourns the loss of his friends the Chaos Crew.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent, he is responsible for forming the Aetherium and laying the groundwork for building Avera as the bastion of technology it is today.

Morality & Philosophy

Xan serves the greater good of man kind, while he is the protector of Avera, he has also learned he cannot turn a blind eye on the rest of the world. He serves as an honorary Watcher, guiding the races of Eserine, towards a brighter future.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Any magic items, Vistors   Dislikes: Theives that would take his items. Any that would attack Avera

Personality Quirks

Takes the form of a beholder when hes in his tower.




Contacts & Relations

Balthazars: Together with Blathazar, Xanathar works to push the world towards ever brighter era's. They founded the Aetherium together.   Hagatha: Hagatha serves as Xanathars Liason to the seedier underbelly of Avera, She helps keep the various factions, sects, and cults that make up the underworld. Often if Xanathar cant help with a request because his hands are tied, he enlists Hagatha.   Ozren: Though they had a strained relationship at first. They have become somewhat of friends as the years passed. Having the shared bond of being neigh immortal. Xanathar shares his desire to be free from this bondage. Though he loves Avera, He would much like to see and travel the world, other than through the lenses of his magical Armament.   Avera as a whole: Its his prison, but makes best he can with the circumstances. He watches, protects and guided the city to where it is now.

Religious Views



Frequently searching for powerful magical items of which he hordes in his tower. Frequently takes the shape of a beholder for some odd reason...

Hobbies & Pets

A goldfish named: Guinevere.   On occasion is found within the wine cellars sampling fine vintages as a connoisseur of finer dining and drinks.


Very quiet and soft spoken. Though when he speaks, the world listens.

Wealth & Financial state

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Avera   Watcher (Honorific)   The Guardian of Avera
838 years
Current Residence
The Tower of Avera
Long silver Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Known Languages
So many... He has glasses that lets him read and understand any written language.
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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