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Marridon Geltair

Marridon Geltair began training to become a Justicar of Tane at the age of 15. At around the same time, his mother died, and he began worshipping Yoradine. He found the goddess of death and balance more relatable than the patriarchal thunder god – but he continued his training anyway to appease his strict religious father.
  When the time came to take his vows at the age of 19 in the crowded hall of the Justicad, Geltair hesitated. Fearing that lying under such sacred circumstances would leave him irrevocably cursed, he fled – shaming his father in front of Galdran high society. Geltair spent several years in the provinces working as a lay healer. Eventually, he approached the Wayfarers seeking contact with Sepekka, a priestess of Yoradine and known associate of the Lodge. Aldalayne made the introduction, and Sepekka offered Geltair training -provided he offer his services to the Wayfarers.
  Nearly 20 years on, with Sepekka’s tutelage long complete, the grave and serious Geltair serves as the Lodge healer and resident expert on the undead.


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