Evolet of the Overworld

If you were a young Shadar-Kai growing up in the Tezcatleilan underbelly of the realm of Evren, you were probably rocked to sleep to ancient songs of a peaceful place called Evolet, which sits on a large island in the overworld of Esmir. It was a place where even Jiro would have been welcomed; he is the one who founded the city, after all.   As you grew into a child, this holy land of your people may have sounded even more welcoming, as other stories of the overworld reached you as well; stories ranging from subtle discrimination to overt racially charged attacks from Esmirites against the Shadar-Kai who tried to resettle in the overworld all eventually make it back home, and now that the Kantuk regularly patrol Tezcatleila, what with Jiro's being missing, it may feel like nowhere is safe anymore.    By early adulthood, 4 out of every 5 Shadar-Kai have faced some level of discrimination in their own hometown at least once. Most of them have grown up learning how to defend themselves. For many of them, the idea of Evolet keeps them strong. The idea of building their defenses enough to make it in the mainland, to establish a defensible caravan, to found some means of safe exploration, to eventually find the place of Evolet gives them hope. For many others, though, it has fallen to the wayside in their minds. Their hearts have hardened, and the songs sang to them in their infancy have been forgotten, or buried under the rubble of their youth.    Many don't believe Evolet exists anymore, or that if it does, it has surely been settled by someone else by now. Many others don't believe it ever existed at all, and that it was an invention of parents trying to sooth their terrified children with some sort of hope for a light at the end of the darkness of Tezcatleila. The idea that there could be somewhere that the sun shines would have sounded beautiful to them, who have never even imagined an illuminated sky.    Many have not lost sight of the dream, however, and the old saying of "Evolet is always in Jiro's eye" is never far from their tongue. Many of them call themselves the Children of Evolet as a way of looking to the future---a future where they are free of the Kantuk's oppression, a place in the overworld where they are welcome, a time that Jiro returns to them. Many still hold hope in their souls.