Crystal of Athanasia Myth in Esporia | World Anvil
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Crystal of Athanasia

Circle of Life

Life and death are illusions. We are in a constant state of transformation. -Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu

Father of time is not kind to everyone but he treats all of you equally in his eye.

Everyone felt a certain emotion when their loved ones or someone that they know dearly starts to exhale their last breath. It is a feeling that can't be describe with words. Some humans have eccentric closure when it comes to death. They would retain the body of the deceased and crystallize them as a whole, to immortalize them inside the very said crystal. Crystallization process will take at least two days to be done properly.  

On the first day

Body of the deceased will be washed thoroughly and placed upon a bed of crystal. After the purification process are done the said body will be burned alongside with the crystal, enabling both of the body and the crystal to melt altogether. When the melting process is complete, the liquid essence resulted by the process will be molded into a crystal. Small enough to fit into a pocket of a humanoid flight suit.  

Molding process

Took another 20 hours to properly fused both body and the crystal into one new form. Coloration from said crystal will varied from person to person depends on from their burial time. Some cases exist where the body is way passed rigor mortis and it stiffen to the point merging that body with a crystal resulting in something terrifying. Some says, the deceased will rise up with some crystal fused with its body and show hostile intention to its surrounding.   People still believe that immortalizing their family members and their loved one into a crystal will allow them to commune with their loved one in their dreams. Knowing this, there's a group of people that after Crystal of Athanasia, a crystal that said to contain the original body of first ancestor of humans and awakened animals.   Legend says if you manage to get your hands on this crystal. The universe itself will unveil itself in front of your eyes and your questions about the universe shall be answered. Hence why when some people are making an impossible goals or when they're about to do something that is unrealistic. People will remind them with "Don't go around and chasing crystal, you're wasting your time".

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