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Iacl Feeldrae

Iacl Feeldrae

Character art by the wonderful Teaghan Robin (click for Twitter)
  A Zemman kobold, Iacl Feedlrae (pronounced Yasl Fuldry) grew up in a trading town near the coast. Frequented by travelers from all across the many continents, Iacl quickly became fascinated by even the most mundane tales of lives abroad and "at home."
Iacl took a chance to join a leaving caravan and join a ship out-of-port, finally visiting the fantastic lands he had heard of and entering a university to learn more of the world's peoples. In particular, in Echo he encountered, studied, and studied with a wizard's guild studying a unique path of magic.
On hearing of a newly discovered entrance to the Underdark, Iacl rushed to join the expedition, eager to encounter any new communities of sapient races.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although physically weak, Iacl grew up on the desert continent of Zem and is hardier than he looks.
On the shorter side for kobolds, Iacl makes up for it with his nimbleness and intelligence.

Physical quirks

As a native of the dry continent of Zem (a landmass plane-touched by the Elemental Plane of Earth), Iacl is hardier than those from other continents, needing only half as much water as a normal individual would need to survive.

Special abilities

Well-traveled and an anthropologist by education and practice, Iacl is proficient in seven languages and can begin lo learn others at a basic level by observing others speaking them for a day.
Learning unique techniques from a wizard's guild on Echo (a continent plane-touched by the Feywild), Iacl is able to weave magic through the curious forces and concepts of gravity and attraction.

Specialized Equipment

Iacl uses a pair of dense, palm-sized metal spheres to focus gravity into his magic.

Personality Characteristics


Iacl is boundlessly fascinated by the myriad cultures of Espwa and seeks to learn of as many as he can.

A traveled anthropologist, Iacl the kobold has visited many of Espwa's continents and is always eager to meet new cultures and learn new customs.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2 feet 3 inches
Known Languages
Common, rough Draconic, Dwarven, Necril, Primordial, Sylvan, Undercommon

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