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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively slim for a child of the forge, Olmec's design was oriented towards manipulation of arcane forces, not physical strength.

Body Features

Made from livewood, stone and adamantine steel, Olmec's body is impervious to disease and resistant to most poisons.

Facial Features

Glowing blue eyes that are particularly emphasized upon his facial features.

Identifying Characteristics

A slimer build with somewhat outraised, beveled eye sockets that are not extremely common among most Warforged.

Physical quirks

Smells like cinnamon.

Special abilities

Adept in knowledge of the natural word and the ways of wild life.

Apparel & Accessories

A wool knit cap, an open vest. Much of his clothing appears to either be made from lichen or have lichen growing on it.

Specialized Equipment

Uses his chest cavity as an affordable bed and breakfast for a variety of fey spirits on their way between realms, often in exchange for an hour's worth of simple services. Echo the bat is a regular partron.

Personality Characteristics


Olmec hopes to guide mankind to its end in a manner that minimizes damage to the environment. Being functionally ageless, his outlook on the concept is that "the fleshlings" will eventually kill each other or perhaps die out from disease.   He believes he already sees the Gods of the world becoming more and more impatient with their inferior creations. He awaits with glee for the day the fleshlings find their clerics abandoned and powerless, unable to protect themselves any longer against the ravages of disease and injury.   He can wait. He can take his time. Sooner or later, Espwa will be purged of the "disease" of fleshling "intelligent" life, leaving only the creatures of the land, the dragons, the children of the forge and what few druids Gaia may deign to save.   Olmec just needs to take his time and minimize the collateral damage. Anything he can subtley do to help that process along, inhibit the growth of civilization and/or generally sabotage the people of Espwa however, are actions he generally will take when given the opportunity.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Plants, fungi, stones, mountains, fey, wildlife, plagues, agricultural failure   Dislikes: All organic "intelligent" life, cities, fleshling wars that destory forestry


Religious Views

All hail the coming of The Formless One, for it's time is nigh, may The Aspect of Death ride upon the wings of The Scale Mother, that she may scour the land with lightning and fire, lifted by the violent storms of Fitaith, that they may wash Espwa clean of the vile blood of man.   May those that walk on two legs and have dared to spite the gifts of Gaia suffer, may the consuming fires of their life be forever extinguished. Praised be the final days, where the last vestiges of man cry to Serere for aid as they meagerly struggle to survive. Hallowed it will be as She answers and embraces them, hope blossoming in their hearts, only for her to whisper in their ears a single word.   "No."

Hailing from The Hidden Temple, Olmec is a relic from an age long since forgotten in the living memory of man. Olmec has seen the rise and fall of nations, only fueling his disdain for the "fleshlings" and their wars.

View Character Profile
Lawful Evil
Approximately Male
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Livewood and adamantine steel
5ft 8in

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