
Conditions are all connected to a source of how you got the condition. Each source has details how long the condition lasts, what area of the body it effects, and any special effects the condition has added to it. Two examples of sources are spells and poisons.


Everyone has a limit on how much substance they can take before becoming addicted to it (i.e. Ash, Dust, and Soot). You know this limit as your addiction limit and is equal to your vitality.

Vitality = Addiction Limit

Becoming addicted to substances is a dangerous thing. Each substance that can become addictive has their own substance potency level. The higher the potency, the easier it is to become addicted. Track your total potency level to avoid becoming dependent on substances. It does not matter what substance got you past your limit, you constantly have a strong urge to keep the feeling going. You would prefer it to be the same substance that you took last, but anything will do to get your fix.

Regardless of which types of substances you take, add up all the potency levels together to determine how close you are to exceeding your limit.

Total Potency Level > Addiction Level = Addicted

Your total potency level decreases each time a substance's effects wear off. Avoid withdrawal penalties by keeping the potency level above your addiction limit. You have four hours to restore your potency level before withdrawal effects set in.

The danger to being addicted is if you increase your total potency level more than double what your addiction limit is, it will kill you. You must keep a constant high to not suffer withdrawal penalties, but not take too much to not overdose.

Potency Level > (Addiction Limit x2) = Death by Overdose

For example, if you have an addiction limit of two (vitality of two) and you take one dose of Chaos Crystals which has a potency level of four, you are one dose—of any addictive substance—away from overdosing. This is because your overdose limit is four and to die from overdose you must exceed double your addiction limit. With the same addiction limit, you need two more doses of apocrium to become addicted.

Withdrawal Penalties

Your addiction limit relates to what negatives you have in all the following areas:

  • Accuracy (non-magical and magical)
  • Social skills
  • Athletics & Acrobatics
  • All Instincts
  • One Fatigue

The negative is half the addiction limit to a minimum of one. So, if you have an addiction limit of three while addicted, you have a -1 in all areas in the list above.

Your addiction limit does not affect fatigue, other than you have it during your withdrawal period, based on the rules of fatigue. Fatigue penalties and withdrawal penalties stack on each other. So, if you already had fatigue, you gain an additional fatigue until you feed your fix or wait through the withdrawal.

Withdrawal Flavor

For role-playing purposes, when you are recovering from an addiction or are having withdrawals, the following effects are happening:

  • Constantly sweeting
  • Shaky hands
  • Blurry vision
  • Thought process slowed
  • Short temper
  • Easily tired
  • Discoloration

Recovering from Addiction

To recover from an addiction, you must go without an addictive substance for half as many days as your addiction limit. So, if you are at an addiction limit of ten, you must go five days without taking an addictive substance.

Regardless of the limit you have recovered from, you will forever be more susceptible to addictive substances. Because of this, you have a -1 to any check related to resisting the urge to not use again.


When drinking in a relaxing, safe environment, it can remove fatigue. Taking a full rest while enjoying an alcoholic drink removes two fatigue on top of what it already removed from the rest.

Drinking more alcohol than you can handle causes you to gain the drunk condition. Each alcoholic drink has stamina points that are compared to your stamina instinct. The more alcohol you drink, the more stamina points you collect. When you equal your stamina instinct in stamina points, you gain the drunk condition. Drinking double your stamina instinct in stamina points causes you to become black out drunk.

Stamina Point by Alcohol

Alcohol Stamina Points
Hard Liquor
Succubus Sweat
(Stamina instinct = stamina points) = drunk stamina instinct x 2 in stamina points = black out drunk

While getting drunk might only have a temporary effect from a relaxing night, it can lead to worse conditions if overdone.


When you consume too much alcohol, you become drunk. This causes you to gain the disorientated condition. Once drunk, every stamina point equals one hour of being drunk.

Alcohol Poisoning

When drinking large quantities of alcohol in a single sitting (roughly a full rest or shorter) you are more susceptible to getting alcohol poisoning. Unlike other substances, alcohol does not become addictive. Getting alcohol poisoning occurs when you drink more stamina points than triple your stamina instinct.

Stamina Instinct x 3 in Stamina Points = Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning Conditions

So, if you have a stamina instinct of eight, then your alcohol poisoning threshold would be twenty-four stamina points. This means if you drink twenty-five or more stamina points worth of alcohol in one sitting, you have alcohol poisoning.

There are a few different effects that alcohol poisoning can cause. Each time you become poisoned, the effect could be different. You have to wait out these effects for twenty-four hours. Regardless of the conditions stated, you cannot remove these effects using spells or other abilities and remedies. Roll a d100 on the table each time you have alcohol poisoning in order to determine your condition.

Death by Alcohol

The only way drinking alcohol can kill you is if you consume ten stamina points worth of alcohol over your alcohol poisoning threshold.

(Stamina Instinct x 3) + 10 = Death


It is possible to negate the fatigue you recovered by getting a hangover. If you become drunk, the next day make a stamina check versus a difficulty rating of six, plus the number of stamina points you drank. If you fail, you have a hangover and don’t recover any levels of fatigue. You gain additional fatigue equal to half the stamina points you consumed.

6 + Stamina Points Drank Vs. Stamina Check
Failed Check = Gain Half Stamina Points in Fatigue

Condition Descriptions


When a source causes reoccurring damage due to blood loss or a wound, you are bleeding. At the start of your turn, bleed damage is applied.


When blind, you lose your normal, enhanced, and night vision if you had them before gaining this condition. All effects and abilities related to vision do not affect you and you suffer unlucky rolls involving vision. Using sound vision ignores this condition, as it does not rely on sight. You can remove this condition using the Cure spell or by waiting for the effect to end on its own, if it is not permanent.


Burnt is a condition that causes you to have physical scaring permanently. On a critical strike that deals fire damage, you suffer this condition. If in a visible area, you suffer a -1 to social skill checks but a +1 to intimidate checks. For every stack of this condition you suffer a -1 to rolls associated to the body part that is burnt. If this condition is not cared for with bandages and healing salve within twenty-four hours, it becomes infected. See the infection condition.

You can magically remove this scaring at a temple. This condition cannot stack over four times.


Being charmed is having a mesmerizing effect, as if the character is madly in love with the one who charmed them. The character will do almost anything for the one they love. While charmed, the character loses all control of themselves and is under the command of the one who charmed them. While charmed, the character will obey the commands of the one who charmed them except for causing harm to themselves.

Comatose (Unconscious)

Becoming comatose, you are unconscious but are not dying. They also call this being knocked out or unconscious. You cannot wake up from loud noises or physical movement.


When a character becomes confused, they do not know whom they can trust and who is their enemy. During combat, the character does not know who friend or foe is. They must roll a d10 to decide if they will attack their friends or their foes. Once the result is determined, they attack the closest character to them.

1-5 = friend is attacked
6-10 = foe is attacked

Being confused also makes the character unable to discern locations and directions.


Becoming dazed results in the character having unlucky defensive rolls for the specified amount of time. The character silently stands in place, swaying slightly, unsure of what is going on. The character is no longer dazed when they either rolling the appropriate check and succeed or the duration of the daze has expired.


Being dead means necrosis have ferried your life force to rejoin the natural flow of energy. The adventure of your character has ended, and you cannot continue playing. You can no longer be revived.


When deaf, you cannot hear any kind of sound. All effects that are sound based have no effect on you. The Cure spell or waiting for the effect to end on its own removes this condition if it is not permanent.


Becoming diseased means that you have fallen under the effects of an illness and suffer penalties according to the specific disease. To remove this condition, seek a healer at a temple or use the Cure spell.


When disorientated, you suffer unlucky rolls and movement is reduced by half. You can cure disorientated by using the Cure spell or waiting for the effect to end on its own.


You cannot pay attention to the task at hand because of something or someone. You suffer a -1 to all rolls while distracted.


Becoming drenched means that you have become soaked in water or some other conductive liquid. Lighting and frost damage are doubled, but fire damage is halved. If hit with fire or lightning damage, this condition ends.


It takes Necrosis an in-game hour to absorb the life force of a dying creature. The creature that is dying needs to be jolted back to life for Necrosis’s grasp to be removed. Standard types of healing (i.e. healing spells, herbal healing concoctions) are not powerful enough to tear the dying creature away from Necrosis. Spells such as revive and herbal injections such as Angel Wings give the proper shock to the creature’s system in order to break them free from death’s grasp. You can also pause the creature's dying state by stabilizing it. Afterward, we can apply the mentioned methods, such as Revive spell and Angel Wings herbal injections. After that hour, the creature’s life force is gone and their condition changes to Dead.

It is important to note that when you gain the dying condition, keep track of how negative your health goes below zero. This helps to determine the difficulty rating to be stabilized. See stable condition.


Becoming feared means you are forced to run away from the source of the fear. You will do everything in your power to get away from the source, except for causing harm to yourself or others.


When hit by a critical strike using frost damage, you apply this condition. If your lower limbs are affected, you suffer -10ft of movement per limb affected. If your upper limbs or torso is affected, you suffer -2 to all rolls involving physical movement.

You can cure this condition at a temple or by applying frostbite salve to the affected area.


Becoming helpless means you cannot move, yet you are still conscious. You can watch everything going on but cannot do anything. Situations when a character can become helpless are becoming paralyzed, being held by either magical or physical means. While under this condition, the target loses all skill totals to rolls and they are unlucky.

Herbal Sickness

This is caused by consuming too many herbal concoctions in a single day. Herbal sickness causes nausea, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. You also sweat profusely and become dizzy. You are unlucky on all checks and must make a psyche check, DR 12 or fall unconscious for 1d6+2 hours. If you remain conscious, you must make a stamina check, DR 12, to not vomit every four hours.

Difficulty rating increases by +2 with each herbal concoction after the fourth. Effects last 24 hours.


It is possible for wounds to become infected if they are untreated. Infection is considered a class two poison when attempting to remove it. If infected, your might, stamina and guts suffer a -1. Every day the effects of the infection stack until your instincts and might reach zero. Once they have reached zero, the infection targets your vitality, which is reduced by -1 each day, until it reaches zero and you die. The Cure spell or a class two antitoxin can remove this condition.


Becoming numb means you cannot feel a specific part of your body, or all of your body. Suffer a -2 to rolls associated with the area of the body that have become numb. Otherwise, the listed areas have special added effects.

Upper Limbs

You suffer a -2 to all actions involving the limbs. Rolling a four or lower causes you to drop any item involved in the roll.

Lower Limb

Your movement is reduced by 10 ft. per affected limb. If all lower limbs are affected, you become prone and cannot stand until the effect ends.

Full Body

You become helpless.


Your speech becomes muffled, and your vision blurs, which leads to a -2 penalty for all social checks and checks involving vision.

If Channeling a spell, you have a chance of the spell failing. Roll a d10, 1-3 the spell fails, 4-10 the spell works as normal.


You cannot function as you are freaking out. Your breathing becomes heavy, and you feel dizzy. The effect makes you unable to do anything, as if you were dazed.


Becoming paralyzed means that you completely cannot move. This condition is categorized as helpless and is regarded as a disease. You can remove it using a boosted Cure spell or temple service.


Becoming petrified means that you have been turned to stone. If you are not returned to normal within twenty-four hours, you permanently solidify into stone and die. A temple, a boosted Cure spell. Petrification is considered a disease.


Becoming poisoned means you have fallen under the effects of a toxin and suffer penalties according to the specific poison. To cure yourself of the poison, seek an apothecary for antitoxins, find a channeler who knows the @cure spell, or healer at a temple for a cure.


Becoming prone means you have fallen and are laying flat on the ground or another surface. You can still move and perform actions, but at a penalty. All rolls are unlucky, and movement is halved.


Becoming rooted means you cannot move. You can still perform actions with your upper limbs, but your lower limbs are stuck in place. While rooted, you have unlucky rolls for defense and automatically fail reaction checks against the area of effects. Based on the source of being rooted, the appropriate instinct check can allow you to break free.


When under the condition of sleep or sleeping, you are unconscious and resting. Unlike comatose, you can wake up from loud noises or rough shaking. In order to not wake someone who is sleeping, roll a hide check versus the sleeping person's perception (listening) minus four.

Hide vs. perception (listening) – 4

Any spell or ability that puts targets to sleep without causing them harm (or comatose), places them under this condition.


When a creature is dying, it is possible to stabilize them so that you can revive later them. Stabilizing them increases the time they have before death to equal their vitality in hours.

To stabilize a dying creature, you must make an apothecary check while applying bandages on their injuries. Applying a minimum of one bandage is necessary, but if the creature has any wounds, additional bandages are required for each one. Regardless of if the apothecary check succeeds or fails, the bandages are used.

The apothecary check is versus six plus how negative their health was when they gained the dying condition. Using healing items, such as health potions, helps reduce the difficulty rating by one for each item used. Using over four herbal remedies can cause the dying creature to be revived with herbal sickness. So, if the dying creature—with a vitality of five—is at negative five health, the difficulty rating for the apothecary check would be eleven.

Succeeding on the check would change the creature’s condition from dying to stable for five hours.

Once stable, you can make additional apothecary checks to nurse the creature back to health. The number of apothecary checks needed is equal to the original difficulty rating when first stabilized. You can only make one each additional check an hour, but every successful check extends the stable condition by half the creature’s vitality in hours (min 1). Failing a check removes one hour off the creature’s stable condition duration and the difficulty rating increases by one. The difficulty rating for each check is the original difficulty rating minus one for each successful check made.

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