Fatigue & Exhaustion

At first, becoming fatigued might not seem like a big deal considering you could easily take a break and do something relaxing too easily cure your fatigue. However, sometimes you might get stuck in situations where resting and relaxing just isn’t an option. Situations, like combat or climbing a huge cliff, are examples of times when taking a break could mean death. This is where gaining too many points of fatigue come into play as the more you gain, the more exhausted you become. Not only do you become physically exhausted, but also mentally.

For every three points of fatigue you have, you gain one level of exhaustion. Every level of exhaustion reduces all rolls by 1 until you exceed your exhaustion limit, which leads to the dying condition. So, if you have three levels of exhaustion, you have -3 to all rolls.

3 fatigue = 1 level of exhaustion
Each level of exhaustion = -1 to all rolls
Exhaustion limit = vitality
(Exhaustion level > exhaustion limit) = dying condition

Recovering from Fatigue

To recover from being exhausted, you need to rest and relax. Taking a full rest recovers fatigue based on the activities performed. As a base consuming food and sleeping, both recover one fatigue. Consuming food while taking a breather also recovers one fatigue. Taking a full rest while having an alcoholic drink or partaking in other relaxing substances, such as Elder Leaf, recovers more fatigue. The more relaxing substances that are consumed (without going over your limits) the more fatigue you can recover from. As the amount of fatigue you have is reduced, your exhaustion is also reduced.

Recovering Using Alcohol

Having a nice cold ale or goblet of wine at the end of a long day of adventuring can help you recover from fatigue. For every stamina point you drink without becoming drunk, you recover one fatigue. So, if you have a stamina of four and have three ales, your stamina points would be at three and you would not be drunk. Stopping at three drinks, you can recover three fatigue on top of the two-fatigue recovered simply for taking a full rest. That means in that single full rest, you can recover from five fatigue and one level of exhaustion. You gain a plus one on your self-psyche check for that full rest.

Stamina points consumed + base of 2 (without getting drunk) = amount of fatigue recovered
+1 to Self-Psyche Check When Drinking but not Drunk

However, if you become drunk, you lose all recovery of fatigue, including any gained from Elder Leaf. Becoming drunk means you wake up with a hangover, which can cause you to gain more fatigue on top of what you already had the night before. See the Food and Drink section of the Marketplace chapter for more information. See the conditions section in this chapter for more information on getting drunk and hangovers.

Recovering Using Elder Leaf

Elder leaf comes in different strains depending on the plant base it is derived from. Consuming any strain of Elder Leaf automatically reduces your fatigue by two during a full rest. This can be stacked with the fatigue recovery from alcohol except if you become drunk. Some strains can increase your chance to succeed in a self-psyche check besides the bonus alcohol gives when recovering. See Elder Leaf in the Marketplace chapter for more information.

Consuming Elder Leaf During a Full Rest = -2 Fatigue

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