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a magical hedgehog that thrums with power, some of its quills are magic missiles. it can cast pulse wave once a day

Basic Information


a forequill is a small quadruped, that has a long pointed snout, rounded ears and whiskers that help with feeling their way. they have a short tail. course hairs on its head and the underside of its body. on the top part of its body it has sharp pointed spikes. long claws to grip and climb, short legs which tuck in when it rolls into a ball. it can run quickly.   forequills thrum with a dark red power

Growth Rate & Stages

while they are at full power they are bigger and have 60ft of tremor sense. how ever while they are weak and/or have low energy they become smaller and their tremor sense shrinks to a range of 15ft

Ecology and Habitats

they tend to make their small homes slightly underground nearby trees. forequills are found typically in areas full of magic and near planar portals, usually in forests

Dietary Needs and Habits

forequills eat berrys, insects, leafy vegetables, and nuts. in order to protect their gathered food they hide shedded quills around their homes

Biological Cycle

a forequill will go into hibernation from the later part of nyxridria and start coming out of their hibernation around mid-farlari


skittish and easily fightened of bigger creatures

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen Smell. The hedgehog has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell or hearing.   Poor Eyesight. The hedgehog has disadvantage against Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and can only see in black and white even during the day.   when unleasing an attack using its quills it can perform a follow up attack by casting the spell magic missils. it can cast the spell pulsewave once per day by wielding the energy that builds up inside them
Scientific Name
forequerian quillivor expide
Related Ethnicities


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