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Silverfield village

this village is where those who feel that they can't fit in can feel at home. it is mostly tieflings, half elves, half orcs, some simic hybrids, and a few changlings that live here


the village chief runs the village and makes important decisions, they have the help of various members of the community who bring things too their attention   such as: their personel advisor whose job is to assist in the day to day running of the village by informing the chief about issues, and keeping them informed about how various things are going. the head guard/warrior of the village is in charge of security and organising hunting parties the druid leader helps with caring for the natural land and the animals of the village and the surounding area, they sometimes help with healing. the representative of Erialis runs the small local church, helps with healing and deal with issues of a divine nature,


apothicary, a small minor church that isn't particularly dedicated to any one of the divinitys


the area of the village is plains. there is also a rolling hills and a small forest nearby. they have access the fresh water via the river on the the north side of the village. other than that the area is landlocked.

Natural Resources

on the south west of the village there is a small forest nearby, that is home to a variety of mushroom and herbs. on the north side of the village there is a river. the west of the village has various fields with plenty of fruits, vegetables and grain, that are worked on by local farmers and druids followed by rolling hills which are inhabited by sheep, cows, and two horses.
Founding Date
59738 BDR
Alternative Name(s)
the place for those who have nowhere to go/ safehaven for misfits
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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