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The Hooded Harlequins

the hooded harlequins steal from the corrupt and give to the poor


leader, treasurer-manages the inventory of the hooded harlequins, oracle-the religous representitive who is in charge of healing and interptets any prophecys that the group recieves, head mage, in charge of the magic users in the group as well as their training

Public Agenda

they stand against tryanny and injustice. while stealing from the corrupt and giving to the poor- the majority if not all member of the group have been subjected to tryanny and injustice at one point or another in their lives. they have all been victim to corrupt people, and see that they can live the high life while those less fortunate are left to rot.


they have a keep where they stay when they are not on a mission. they have an airship that is their main mode of transportation-unless they need to be somewhere urgently, then they will use teleportation magic.   horses including 2 war horses, weaponry (includes weapons that can be hidden), stealthy armour they refuse to wear heavy bulky armour that makes a lot of noise.


it started when a group of adventures saw that a noble that had hired them to complete a quest was subjecting his people to so much injustice and tyranny that his people would be treated as slaves and could only wish for death. however after trying to report him they found that he had paid off the countrys officals to ignore and accept his behaviour. seeing that their was little that they could do to help in that regard they decided that they would try to help the people fight this corruption the only other way they could think off, by stealing

standing against the oppressing evil, be a light in the dark and lift the poor

Founding Date
100 ADR
Guild, Thieves
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct


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Jul 20, 2024 01:50

what if the harlequins became what they struggle against, corrupted?