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Ziya Foley

Ziya Foley

Physical Description

Special abilities

If they die then they come back to life (respawn point set to underworld), When you have sex, heal all of your wounds, and cure all of your Conditions.

Specialized Equipment

smoke bombs, sending stone that can be used to reach Aria Solano, Trinity Ward, Leonora, and poppy, leatherworker's tools, smiths tools, land vehicals,

Mental characteristics

Personal history

born the daughter of a politician father and a lawyer mother. her parents never really cared for her only their reputation. at the age of 14, near the end of her time at middle school she became aware of the fact that she was chosen via an ancient prophecy to be a warrior of the divines at some point in high school, she fell in love with aria solano, a fey




midway through senior year of high school


senior year high school student (former), path of the zealot-barbarian, champion-fighter, lover of the divines,

Mental Trauma

her mother


Contacts & Relations

Aria Solano is Ziya's girlfriend/partner. the divines. trinity ward-knows about the prophecy. leonora-knows about the prophecy. poppy.
Current Status
traveling, flirting, sleeping around with aria and divines
Date of Birth
13th of Halastri
Year of Birth
3233 ADR 17 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
prophesied to be a chosen warrior of the gods
light blue
long/medium red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Narain and Airi
Known Languages
celestial, common, undercommon


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