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dark(ness)/shadow god

Divine Domains

darkness shadow

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

unlike the other divines he has a pair of horns of his head (he is also sometimes thought to have a tail).

Special abilities

the ability to control darkness and shadows. he also has some affinity with taming magic.

Apparel & Accessories

will usually be seen wearing a black cloak that was made for him by the demons with the help of Arielle and Enju-the void deity

Mental characteristics

Personal history

for as long as he remembers the mortal races hated the god of darkness, with the exeption of a few. on the contrary the races of the demon realm loved him.


he cares more about the person that someone is than just their gender. he is thought to not be interested in that sought of thing, but once he finds the right person he can be a bit like Enju-the void deity and Airi

Mental Trauma

being compared to Namari. having the mortal races hate him for as long as he can remember has given him trust issues when it comes to non demon races.


Family Ties

the other divinities his (adoptive) parents are Maho and Rhea he is the twin brother of Namari he is the adopted sibling of Eira, Viros, Aldis, Vara, and Tiki

Social Aptitude

due to the way that he has been treated he is quite introverted
Divine Classification
(elemental) god
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
dark(ness)/shadow god (adopted) child of magic and nature guardian of sleep/dreams
Parents (Adopting)
grey eyes that turn either red or gold based on his emotions and if he uses his powers
black with a hint of silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
mainly demonic and celestial, but he does uses the others when the need arises.


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