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Combat Traps

Trap Name DC Prereq. Effect
Befuddler 15 - -2 penalty on Concentration, Int-, Wis-, Cha- based Checks
Enfeebler 15 Craft (Alchemy) 1+ rank Fatigues Target
Entangler 17 Combat Trapping Rank 2+ Entangles Target
Equalizer 17 Combat Trapping Rank 2+ Target falls prone
Flashbang 19 Craft (Alchemy) 3+ ranks, Combat Trapping Rank 3+ Blinds and Deafens Target
Footspiker 15 - Halves target's speed
Glitterburst 15 Craft (Alchemy) 1+ Rank Makes Invisible target visible
Scorcher 15 Craft (Alchemy) 1+ Rank Deals 2d6 Fire Damage
Scorcher, Great 23 Craft (Alchemy) 5+ Ranks, Combat Trapping Rank 5+ Deals 5d6 Fire Damage in a larger area
Sleeper 21 Craft (Alchemy) 4+ Ranks, Combat Trapping Rank 4+ Target Falls Asleep
Spiderweb 19 Craft (Alchemy) 3+ Ranks, Combat Trapping Rank 3+ Web fills a small area
Stinkburst 21 Craft (Alchemy) 4+ Ranks, Combat Trapping Rank 4+ Stinking Cloud fills trapped square

Combat Trap Descriptions

Entering the trapped square produces the stated effect.
Befuddler: A pungent spray applies a –2 penalty on Concentration checks, as well as ability checks and skill checks based on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (Will negates).
Enfeebler: A puff of acrid powder renders the target fatigued (Fortitude negates).
Entangler: A hidden cord loops around the target, holding it in place as a tanglefoot bag does. A successful Reflex save negates the effect; alternatively, a DC 20 Strength or Escape Artist check (made as a full-round action) allows the stuck creature to break free.
Equalizer: The first creature entering the trapped square must succeed on a Reflex save or fall prone. The trap reputedly gets its name from its gnome inventor, who used it to bring taller foes down to his level.
Flashbang: The trapped square emits a blinding burst of light accompanied by a loud thunderclap. Any creature in the trapped square or any adjacent square becomes blinded and deafened; a successful Fortitude save lessens the effect to dazzled.
Footspiker: This trap effectively fills the designated square with caltrops, potentially slowing the target’s movement.
Glitterburst: A fine cloud of silver dust clings to any creature within the trapped square (no save). Any creature affected by a glitterburst trap takes a –20 penalty on Hide checks and, if invisible, is visibly outlined for the duration of the effect.
Scorcher: The trapped square releases a cloud of fine dust followed by a spark, setting off a small explosion that deals 2d6 points of fire damage to each creature in that square (Reflex half).
Scorcher, Great: This works like a scorcher trap (see above), except that it deals 5d6 points of fire damage to each creature in the trapped square and in all adjacent squares (Reflex half).
Sleeper: A slumber-inducing vapor makes the target fall asleep. A successful Fortitude save lessens the effect to fatigued.
Spiderweb: The trapped square releases a burst of sticky tendrils that toughen when they contact air. This trap duplicates the effect of a web spell, except that the strands fill only the trapped square and all adjacent squares.
Stinkburst: A cloud of noxious vapors duplicates the effect of a stinking cloud spell, except that the effect fills only the trapped square. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect, but a creature must make a new saving throw each round it remains within the cloud.

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