Esterwynne The Demon Wars
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The Demon Wars

Era beginning/end

1 BDW - 1 ADW

A 100 year span of time where demons and devils walked and wared on the material plane.

Devils and Demons were allowed into the world due to a breach between the planes. No one really knows how the breach happened, but it allowed the free transfer between the Abyss, the Hells and the material plane of Esterwynne. Gods sent followers to help protect the mortals. The celestials helped the mortals build reinforced and magically protected walls around a few great cities. The gods themselves debated if they should use their powers to push the demons out of the world or wait for the mortals and celestials to find a way to close the breach themselves.

The Demon Wars lasted for 100 years. Few events were recorded during that time for few left their walled cities. The end of the wars was brought about by Rashnu, God of Judgment because of the loss of one of the three great cities. The gods had deliberated enough and it was decided that they send the demons and devils away. Rashnu stopped time for 1 hour while the other gods worked on returning the outsiders to their home domains. The people of the great cities were not frozen in time and watched the cleaning of the world from their walls. The hour of quiet was called Quiet Hour in the remaining cites and honored each night with an hour of peace.

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