Jusho Sunieyǔthango (ʤuʃo sunaɪ̯jʌθɑŋo)

Jusho Sunieyǔthango in common tongue translates to "Turning of the Color Wheel" and is a 10-day celebration that both concludes the last 100 years of rule as well as commences the next 100 years of rule. The celebration is incredibly important to the Kajuzurie as typically any Kajuzurie only experiences a single Jusho Sunieyǔthango in their lifetime, and the event smybolizes the continued success of the Kajuzurie to survive and thrive despite the odds that had been against them historically.


Opening Ceremony

The celebration is kicked off with an opening ceremony that takes place in the capitol, where the outgoing Joyiechu traditionally gives a speech thanking his supporters, recounting the biggest successes of the last hundred years and providing great encouragements for the next turn. At the conclusion of his speech, the Joyiechu relinquishes their rule and announces the beginning of the Jusho Sunieyǔthango. The celebration is kicked off with some great generous act from the clan of the Joyiechu as a symbol that they are not attempting to maintain gains earned through the power they maintained.


10 Days of Celebration

by Sarah C.

The ten days of celebration are never exactly the same. Rather they take shape based on the major events of each tenyear of rule of the last hundred years. If a particular decade had a war or prevailing tragic event, the day may be dedicated to more solemn memorializing, fasting, and historic dedications. A significantly positive event will lead the day to be more boisterous, joyous and include feasting and late night festivities.

Generally speaking each day is celebrated by the various clans slightly differently, hosting feasts, carnivals, tournaments, faires and events not only for their own members but for other clans as well. The clans take the chance to enjoy one anothers skills and what each clan has to offer overall to the celebration.


Closing Ceremonies

At the end of the final day, the next Joyiechu takes the stage, graciously accepting the earlier relinquished rule and giving a speech filled with visions of the future of the Kajuzurie. The conclusion of the new Joyiechu's speech, there is a great fireworks display and the Jusho Sunieyǔthango is considered concluded.

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