Sunfire Syndrome

Sunfire Syndrome is a condition only found in the Kajuzurie, and seems to be more common in certain genetic lines. Generations ago it was commonplace, and some Kajuzurie simply resorted to working at night to avoid suffering from the Syndrome. It has become less common in recent years, many say because the Kajuzurie have adapted from being cave-dwellers to islanders quite successfully.


It's caused by prolonged exposure to intense sunlight and heat. It is not contagious and cannot be transmitted.


Sunfire Syndrome causes the Kajuzurie's body temperature to rise rapidly, leading to fever, dehydration and heat exhaustion. The scales may change in hue and begin to crack, leaving the skin exposed. They may experience thirst, headaches, dizziness and vomitting. In extreme cases, Sunfire Syndrom leads to permanent madness, and will cause the individual to seek out water, darkness or cooler temperatures at all cossts. As a result the most common death from Sunfire Syndrom is drowing or burying oneself alive.


The best treatment for Sunfire Syndrome is to immediately cool the individual down immediately to reverse symptoms. As long as the madness has not set in, Sunfire Syndrome can be completely reversed this way and the individual should make a quick and full recovery. The madness however will require more extreme medicinal intervention and in some very extreme cases is not reversable.

Affected Species


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