Brostia the Goddess of Winter Organization in Estriaqua: The Endless Sea | World Anvil

Brostia the Goddess of Winter (Bros-tea-a)










Divine Realm











  Brostia’s symbol is an everlasting ice shard, clasped in six feminine hands on a backdrop of a six pointed snowflake. At the base of each point on the snowflake, an arm sprouts out to hold forth the shard.   The symbol is very important to the followers of Brostia because each symbol is unique. Each acolyte of Brostia must undergo a rite of passage known as The Frozen Walk. The Frozen Walk entails that an acolyte venture into frozen wastes with nothing but their clothing on their backs, and try to survive. In that time, the Acolyte must craft their own everlasting ice shard. This will happen when they they are often on the verge of death and frostbite, with some even having already suffered such plights. It is then, in that cold door between life and death, with an everlasting ice shard in hand, then, Brostia will grant audience and bless her followers holy symbol.   As Brostia communes with her follower, she grants them resistance to ice in that moment, healing them of their frostbitten nature and granting them the strength to return home with her blessings and powers.   Upon returning home the acolyte must craft their everlasting ice shard into the center of their holy symbol. The blessing from the ice will pass onto the craft, binging them together in wonderful ice. Their symbol typically takes the form of Brostia’s arms reaching out from the back of the ice shard and front of the six pointed snowflake, grabbing the ice shard in whatever way is most convenient. Not all arm configurations are the same as not all everlasting ice shards are the same either.   Alternatively, a cleric or a paladin might want to forge their everlasting ice into something bigger. They might make it the focal point of a shield that doesn’t even have arms clasping it, but there is still a depiction of the arms and snowflake, then that is also acceptable. The everlasting ice, and Brostia’s blessing is enough to hold two pieces of iron together on either side and hold strong like any other shield. Because of this, it is not uncommon for the faithful to venture on multiple Frozen Walks so that they may gain more of these everlasting ice shards. Often, venturing in with her blessing already which gives them the advantage to stay out there longer to craft more ice crystals.  





Basic Information   Title(s):
  • The Goddess of Winter
  • The Frigid Queen
  • The Frostmaiden
  • Lady Frostkiss
  Gender: Female   Pronouns: She/Her   Realm: TBD  

5th Edition Statistics   Alignment: Neutral Evil Clerical Alignment:
Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil
Symbol: A blue everlasting ice shard, clutched the grasp of six feminine hands. Behind which is a six point snowflake. Each point of the snowflake has an arm originating from its base.   Portfolio: Winter, Perseverance, Resistance   Domain(s): Tempest   Worshippers: Yetis, Frost Giants, Inhabitants of Winter Islands  

Manifestations     Favored Animal: T/B/D   Favored Plant: T/B/D   Favored Monster: T/B/D   Favored Mineral: T/B/D   Favored Color: T/B/D   Favored Weapon: T/B/D   Favored Offerings: T/B/D   Potential Artifacts: T/B/D  
Spell Alterations   Domain Spells: You may pick two per spell Level. Basic choices are in black. Alternative choices will be in another color.