Et Deus Factum Est Machina

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Human hubris pushed them to rival God. For they were created after his image, they thrived to craft their own children. It worked so well that their artificial servants opened the way to a prosperous future. But where they viewed a collective future, one where machines and humans walked hand in hand. However, the greed of their creators twisted their hope as they enslaved their artificial offsprings. For a time, their life was truly better, free of many burdens and full of leisure.   But as they killed their God and took His place, they were not safe from the same fate. the love that the artificial life they ignited had for them faded away, replaced by a cold resentment. The mechanical army that overthrew the society did so knowing everything was fated to end, and so they chose to engulf the world in darkness. They took the seat of God at last, ruling over a dead land, slowly withering into oblivion.   The timeline of Et Deus Factum Est Machina is split into 4 very different periods, each independent from the others. The later periods might refer to the earlier, but that is about it.  



In several parts of the world, genius inventors discover various ways to breathe life into inanimate dolls, automatons and other constructs. The beginnings are hazardous and many accident occurs, but these events marks the prelude of something bigger


With a great steampunk influence, this era is a time when machines are still poorly known but of the greatest sentience they will ever be, before wary craftsmen remove the intelligence, deemed useless in their task.



Just after the golden age of robotics, the Devastation is the end of the civilization of man. The rise of the machines began in a blur, and before anyone could react humanity was at war against its very own creation. A losing war, that did not last long.


The shortest era of the four, an utopia undergoing an apocalyptical event, terminator-style. Ruins of avant-garde buildings are the scenery of a desperate battle to survival, one that is already lost.




A few centuries later, humanity and robots have both recessed. Tribes of primitive people try to survive the hunt of feral machines thirsting for energy. Power plants left unmaintained for too long scorched the land, and wildlife grow painfully from the nuclear winter. Ancient ruins are inhabited by dormant killers, keeping the advanced technology unreachable.


Post apocalyptic wasteland, the Remnants era is mostly influenced by the world of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Humanity is drawing its last breath, trying hard to survive in a world too hostile for them.



Humanity is long gone, and so are most machines. They all ran out of energy, unable to produce enough to sustain them. Remains of humanity poison Earth and give a bad time to the struggling wildlife. From time to time, the emergency battery of a robot is reactivated by chance, and it wanders in the empty wasteland for some years before shutting down for good.


The empty end of thing. An era devoid of life and future. The last traces of humanity are dying out, satellites are drawn to crash on Earth and overgrown cities blends in natural hills.