
Basic Information


Lightly built and relatively fragile humanoid bipeds which developed from lesser birds, be that naturally or otherwise. They have two digitigrade feet, which are partially fused with their leg bones. They also possess the synsacrum pelvic girdle.   Many species of Avesapiens are completely lacking in natural flying abilities, however the Ahkom have retained a limited ability to glide by semi-vestigial wings which are fused to their arms.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Ahkom possess hooked beaks like those of raptorial or carrion birds. The density and distribution of feathers will often mimic those of living birds species. Some will even lack feathers on their heads, similar to buzzards and condors.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Having developed from predatory birds, the Ahkom retain a mix of precise vision in bright light and their low-light vision is twice that of a human.

Civilization and Culture


Much of Ahkom history has been told as an oral tradition. Before humans came, they were a simple society mainly fishing and hunting small non-avian dinosaurs. They built huts from woven reeds and mud, made spear points from stone and bone.   When the first humans came from their home world, the Ahkom shared their knowledge with the newcomers. Relations weren't always positive, and when the first city-states were founded many tribes were enslaved. As time had passed race relations have improved, with most Ahkom being treated as full citizens.
Scientific Name
Avesapiens Accipiter
Average Height
Males : 4'2" - 5'0" Females: 4'0" - 4'10"
Average Weight
Males: 71lbs - 101lbs Females: 61lbs - 91lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Ahkom feathers will be brown or tan in color, though some families will have prominent brightly colored features around their heads.


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