
the Serpent of Rebirth Apep (a.k.a. Apophis)

Apep is a serpent demon who represented the forces of chaos, death, and disorder. As such, he is the mortal enemy (and polar opposite) of order, personified as the goddess Ma'at, and light, as incarnated in the form of Ra. This adversarial construal of the demon is recorded in the Book of the Dead and the Book of Gates—both of which are concerned with the geography and mythology of the underworld.   The serpent demon resides below the horizon, in the heart of the duat (underworld). He waits for Ra (ensconced in the solar barque) between a western mountain called Bakhu, where the sun set, and just before dawn, in the Tenth region of the Night. In these battles, Apep attempts to transfix the assembled gods using his hypnotic gaze, after which point he seeks to devour them (whilst simultaneously choking the river on which they traveled). In his efforts, Apep is aided by a coterie of lesser demons, all of whom have to be slain or driven away by the defenders of the Ra.

Divine Domains

Chaos (Demon, Entropy), Darkness (Loss, Shadow), Destruction (Catastrophe), Evil (Demon), Scalykind (Venom)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Evil Eye of Apep (an eye with an ouroboros within)

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To consume Ra, ending the cycle of the Sun's rebirth, and plunge existence into eternal darkness
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great Golden Serpent, the Encircler of the World, the Enemy, the Lord of Chaos


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