Church of the Hound Splitter

Background, Goals, and Dreams

The Church of the Hound Splitter seeks to oppose the advance of demonic influences into the Material Plane, while at the same time venerating its patron, the rage-warped Hero-God Cú Chulainn. It keeps its presence in Sunáthüma subtle, operating on the theory that to openly oppose such dangerous forces invites open retaliation from the enemy. The church was founded by an elven woman known to the church members only as Lady Silvermane.


Enemies and Allies

The Church opposes all those who would traffic with demons and who would seek to allow demons and their influence to extend into the Material Plane. Evil religions. cabals of conjurers, and demon cultists are viewed with equal contempt. The church is wary of the Witchwardens, as it suspects some of its members of such activity.



The Church of the Hound Splitter is a place of worship for those dedicated to Cú Chulainn. His faithful consist of only a few dozen, and of these only a few know him by name. Members meet once a month on the night of the new moon to offer prayers and hear Lady Silvermane speak. According to Lady Silvermane, a time will soon come to Sunáthüma when the people will need protection from themselves and it falls to the faithful to cast aside their secrecy at this time to defend the city.



The church’s true nature is known to only a few (such as High Priest Ramsina Layere of the church of Assuran), A carytid column is said to guard the church, and rumors of a larger complex below the above ground structure persist among its lay members.

Scope Regional Alignment CG Values Protection of the weak. Silent opposition to evil. Rooting out of the fiendish. Allies The Church of Assuran. Faithful of the Tuatha De Dannan. Enemies Evil Outsiders of all kinds, fiend worshippers, tyrants. Rivals The Witchwardens
Secret, Religious sect


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