
Civilization and Culture


The evolution and creation of the beings known as Elves likely stretches back to the earliest days of existence. No mortals have any knowledge of this event, and the gods have no intention to explain it. However, there is some evidence that suggests some either divine or fae origin from which the mortal elves were derived.


The earliest Elves lived for uncounted eons in Alfheim under the watchful eyes of the Vanir, and the Elves own god-like masters the Ljosalfar. Following the cataclysmic events of Ragnarok many groups of Elves chose to relocate to a world recently made available to them.


Five great clans of the Elves made the pilgrimage to the world known now as Etacre. The Sun Elves strove to emulate their Ljosalfar masters and shared their otherworldly appearance. The Moon Elves were less attached to the divine as their brethren, and traveled far across the new world taken by wanderlust. The Sylvan elves enjoyed the sprawling forests both within the mountains and beyond. The Aquatic elves once enjoyed access to the rivers of the world, but have since withdrawn to the seas. Lastly were the Dusk elves, pale of skin and empowered by darkness and shadow.


Though Elves experience time differently from Humans, they would still maintain a civilization far greater and longer-lived than any Humanity would ever imagine. They would also have prolonged conflicts with the more powerful intelligent races of the world, chiefly thereof being the Naga and their servitors. Giants, Dragons and other less organized races would occasionally prove to be problematic as well.


As millennia passed, tension formed between the Elven Clans. This would be exacerbated by a prolonged silence from the Ljosalfar, until an all out Civil War broke. The Aquatic tribes were quickly pushed away from the rivers and never since returned. The Moon tribes scattered to the north and west within the forests found there. The Sun Clan stayed within the ages old cities within the mountain valley. The tribes of the Sylvan Clan were split, as many sided with the Sun Clan though the rest entrenched within the high plains to the south of the mountains. The Dusk Elves fled to the caves below the mountain valley.


Pitched battles were intense though few and far between, however there were numerous casualties on all sides. Though records are sparse, there were a great many atrocities claimed to have been committed by each Clan (often by their rivals in opposing Clans). None, however, were as horrific as those perpetrated by the ruling families of the Dusk Elves.


Aucian, the Dokkalfar Goddess of Desires, granted visions to the matriarchs granting them visions of the future. These visions were vague and not so easily interpreted. Two other Dokkalfar, Avarbeth the Unlit Night and the drunken Indarwylyn of Twilight had a scheme to increase their power within their own heirarchy, and twisted these visions to suit themselves.


Through depraved rituals, blood rites and foul magicks the Dusk elf nobility bound themselves to the darkness of the lower planes. Believing themselves to be superior to all other Elf Clans, they enslaved all who opposed them and killed those who resisted. The fell influence would tarnish their skin and bleach their hair, leaving them a stark reflection of their former selves.


By the time the other clans found out about what the Dusk Elves had planned, it was too late. A clash between a forces of the other Clans were interrupted by waves of conjured hellfire and summoned fiends. None at first could recognize the new black and purple skinned aggressors. Many soldiers were burned to ash and swallowed by hungry beasts, and many more were enslaved.


Legend claims the Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar who did not align with Avarbeth and Indarwylyn spoke with such volume that the remaining Clans laid down their arms, save to defend against incursions from their traitorous brethren. It is said that the scheme of the two betrayer gods was laid plain for the mortal elves in attendance. For their foolishness and folly, the Dusk elves who turned on their kin were from then on known as "traitor" or Drow in the Elvish tongue.


A new coalition was formed from the armies of those opposed to the Drow, though some dissented against further combat and separated from the rest. A splinter group of Moon elves traveled north toward the glacier's edge, where no other elves dared tread. The Sylvan elves whom had turned away from the Sun elves prior to the war clear cut the high plains for lumber with which to build a great fleet of ships, and they would leave the continent. These sailors would never be seen by an elf again.


The Elven coalition forced the Drow back into the caverns from which they had marched. The Dusk elves who still dwelt therein would aid in the battle against their former nobility. Caverns wend deep into the depths of the mountains, and it was there the routed Drow army fled. The tunnels which connected to these caverns were caved in around them, so they would never return. To this day, many elves believe the Drow were destroyed in the cave in and are treated as little more than a myth in the modern day.


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