Field of Reeds


The Field of Reeds, known in the Deshreti tongue as Sekhet-A'aru, is an idealized version of the Iteru River system. This broad region of desert is bisected north to south by a perfected facsimile of the Iteru river of the living world. The East and West are bounded by tall mountains. Every day the Sun rises over the Eastern mountains with the return of Ra on his solar barge, and sets over the Western mountains as his sail returns him to the underworld. Newly approved souls leave the Halls of Two Truths along the western shore of the Lake of Lillies, and ferried to the sweeping fields of grains and fruit bearing trees for them to tend in eternity.


The continued idyllic and seemingly eternal abundance of the Field of Reeds is entirely dependent upon Ra and his retinue making their daily foray into Duat to fight Apophis and maintain order. As in the living world, when the Sun sets the lands darken. Time flows more-or-less the same as in the living world.

Ecosystem Cycles

As the day and night are the same as for the living, so to are the seasons. Crops grow and must be seeded. Winter brings less rain, but the floods are always ideal. Crops always grow to their greatest yield.
  • Sphere Outer
  • Gravity Normal
  • Time Normal
  • Realm Finite
  • Structure Lasting
  • Essence Positive-Dominant
  • Alignment Strongly Lawful Good
  • Magic Impeded Necromancy
  • Alternative Name(s)
    Dimensional plane
    Owning Organization


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