
Gibil is the god of fire, light and the forge. He maintains the sharp point of weapons, has broad wisdom, and his mind is "so vast that all the gods, all of them, cannot fathom it".


As fire, Gibil has many forms. He is the burning heat of summer, the destroyer of crops. Burning the fields, Gibil sears the plains. He is the heat that warms the home and cooks the food. As the fire of purification, Gibil burns away the baleful energies. He brings the creative fire to the smith and mason.

Divine Domains

  • Artifice [Alchemy, Industry, Toil]
  • Fire [Smoke]
  • Good
  • Magic [Alchemy]
  • Protection [Defense, Purity]

Favored Weapon

Butchering Axe

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His holy symbol is an ax wrapped in flames


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