
Basic Information


Inspiration for the "humanoid" template that is used to describe most races: the standard two arms, two legs, torso with the head on top description would adequately describe most humans. Humans have two leg limbs and two are arm limbs, each ending with five digits including an opposable thumb. Their digits are flexible and end with small nails. Their fingers tend to be softer, trading raw strength for sensitivity for the sense of touch.


Human heads are located on the top of their bodies, oriented forward. Their eyes, nose and mouths are all forward facing, with two rounded ears on each side. Hair grows on roughly half of their head, covering most of the back and top. Males can grow thick facial hair, extending from the front of the ears to their chins and down the throat. A small band covers the upper lip, connecting with the larger beard area. Hair colors range from black to light brown, then a yellowish blonde. Tints of red are uncommon, and like most mammals, will go gray with age. The texture can be surprisingly varied, with some ethnicities experiencing thin straight hair and others going to the opposite with thick and curled. Ethnic differences abound, human eyes can also vary from brown to blue with occasional tints of green, orange, and yellow. Skin tones equally vary from a deep brown to a pale white with minor shades of blue, red, and yellow mixed in.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are fertile most of the year, following an ovulation and menstrual cycle. Through sexual copulation, the female may conceive a child and carry it to term. Gestation lasts approximately 280 days, ending in a live birth. Human children are born nearly helpless and require sustenance and protection from the parents. Sexual maturation begins with puberty, starting anywhere from as early as 9 to as late as 16, with females usually beginning earlier. Though sexually developed, human physical and mental development will continue into their early 20's, with some not reaching full development until nearly 30. Males remain fertile their entire lives, with females losing fertility during menopause, normally occurring around the age of 50.

Ecology and Habitats

They are a very adaptable species and can live in any nearly any climate with the right tools. However many prefer a dry warm climate like that of the temperate coasts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are pure omnivores and like a balanced diet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are typically independent and expressive, but are also very sociable. Communities and their social structure can vary as a result.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are present in nearly every geographical region, though exact population will vary dependent upon specific ecological conditions as well as the presence and hostility of other species sentient and otherwise.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Human's external senses are comparable to most other sentient species. They exhibit excellent forward sight in a trichromatic spectrum, and a sense of taste that is well-developed. Though not poor, human hearing is perfectly adequate, capable of discerning a large range of the audio spectrum. They cannot orient their ears and must rely on their dexterous necks to help pinpoint noise. Last of the major senses, humans have a poor sense of smell, often only being able to pick up strong odors in the immediate area.

Civilization and Culture


Humanity had spent thousands upon thousands of years of evolution before becoming the way they were upon the advent of their Deities. Further centuries had passed before these deities chose to being transferring their people to the world of Etacre. After being brought to this world, each culture of humans had new challenges for which their mythologies had attempted to prepare them. Finding magic to be real and pervasive in this new world, they quickly became able to harness it though each magical tradition is unique in some manner.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens

Articles under Humans


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