Lugh Lamfada

Lugh can best be described as the god of excellence, reputed to be not only the inventor and patron of the arts, but also an expert in such diverse fields as sorcery, history, craftsmanship of all sorts, story telling, and heroism. Lugh, whose name means ‘The Shining One,” is the most widely worshipped of the pantheon, with numerous monuments throughout his people's regions where followers prayed to him for guidance in any of his many areas of expertise.


He can control endeavors in the arts and crafts with which he is familiar, and he can control or influence all forms of travel and commerce. He can also turn day to night or vice versa at will. Beyond these pursuits, however, Lugh is a formidable warrior, armed with a great spear and a sling.

Divine Domains

  • Chaos [Revelry, Riot]
  • Knowledge [Education, Thought]
  • Nobility [Aristocracy, Leadership]
  • Sun [Light]
  • War [Blood]

Favored Weapon



Lúin Celtchair: a long, fiery spear that returns when thrown
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Ildánach ("skilled in many arts")
  • Samildánach ("equally skilled in all the arts")
  • Lonnansclech
  • Lonnbéimnech ("fierce striker")
  • Macnia ("youthful warrior/hero")
  • Conmac ("hound-son")


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