
An older brother of Zeus, Poseidon is the god of the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, and earthquakes. Poseidon has the power to create new life forms, and is the creator of bulls and horses. This power often brings him into conflict with Athena. He can also summon and control any non-divine form of sea life, and change his own shape into that of any living being at will. In his true form. he is a man standing a hundred feet tall.

Poseidon is a possessive god, his waves constantly lapping at the land belonging to his fellow gods, breaking off a bit here and a bit there. Poseidon also has a terrible temper, and vents his rage in the form of storms or earthquakes. His churlish disposition causes his fellow gods to consider him a foolish old fellow, but only the mighty Zeus would dare say so to his face. If any coastal polis neglects his worship, he is quick to flood it with a tidal wave or smash it with an earthquake. Omens from Poseidon lake the form of storms, trembling ground, or visits from hideous, newly created monsters. When especially pleased with a priest, Poseidon rewards him with a celestial warhorse, or by creating a spring in a place of the priest’s choosing.

Divine Domains

  • Animal
  • Chaos [Entropy, Protean]
  • Destruction [Catastrophe, Rage]
  • Erosion
  • Water [Flotsom, Oceans]
  • Weather [Storms]

Favored Weapons


Tenets of Faith


Like other chaotic neutral deities, Poseidon requires little from his followers beyond sacrifices. His clerics sacrifice a bull to their patron (by throwing it into the sea) at least once a month, and Poseidon remains relatively placid. Sailors and coastal dwellers must be sure not to anger this temperamental deity. Poseidon has been known to flatten coastal cities with tidal waves or earthquakes when they displeased him, The hero Odysseus was condemned to ten long years of wandering because he blinded one of Poseidon’s children, the cyclops Polyphemos. Poseidon represents all the bounty and the danger of the sea, bringing forth life (he is said to have created both horses and cattle) and taking it away.



Poseidon’s clerics have the weighty duty of staving off the deity’s volatile anger. They offer sacrifices, pray his blessing on boats and ships, and accompany sailors on their voyages. They are among the most well-traveled clerics of the pantheon, and are usually not affiliated with a specific temple for long.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Averter of Earthquakes
  • Earth-Shaker
  • Leader of the Nymphs
  • Savior of the Sailors
  • Tamer of Horses


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