BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2: Clearwood

General Summary

Clearwood The Party exit the Cultist Cave, Belladonna notices a large piece of writing on the outside of the cave, most of the word has been scrapped out over time, but a large Z can be seen starting the word. The Party is approached by a innkeeper who drops offers them free room and board as the town has been quite hostile and there have been no visitors.   The General Store and Armory: The Party sees a connected store that has been blocked by a hastily put up wall in the middle, they find out the armorer (with beautiful flowing red hair) thinks his best friend stole his amulet (a masterpiece made with the support of a Cleric), as it is in the general store now. The general store owner mentions that he was sold the amulet by a red haired balding man with dandruff. The party tracks down the son of the armorer, who stole the amulet while blackout drunk and used it all to buy alchohol, they trade a travel sized bottle of head and shoulders for the last bottle of whiskey, and the son explained to his dad what happened, dissapointing him. The Armorer breaks down the wall and apologizes. Giving the amulet to the Harry, mentioning that a they are hoping to pay forward the kindness of the Cleric that helped create it. Also Remy gets a chef hat.   A Devilishly Good Deal: The Party sees a spam advertisement for a travelling magic item salesman in town, a Father approaches and mentions that they bought a small toy for their son that ended up cursing him and making him sick. The party talks to the salesman named Daniel who offers them to buy items. The party is suspicious and tries to walk away. Anita and Belladonna are able to break the charm and move back. Daniel's disguise is noticed and he shows his true colors, a red devil, he looks at the party and says "I will remember this", an otherwordly primal fear overtakes the party, as they realize they may of made an acquaintance better left alone. The Devil vanishes, dropping a couple magic items from it's bag, a forgotten shaft aquired by Oogway and a Drunkard's Bardiche aquired by Angus. The Father thanks the party as the curse is lifted from him son.   Kobold Madness: The party approaches a crying mother hanging posters, her daughter went missing in the woods and there was a dagger nearby the spot she was last. Anita tracks the dagger and arrives at the Kobold camp where they are immediately noticed. Remy cooks up a snack for the Kobold, but while delicious it is only rat sized, only filling two of the Kobolds. Angus trades himself for the young girl allowing him to be dinner, he breaks the cage starting combat. Once defeated the party finds a Blood-Hunters Rifle and Final Rapier, aquired by Anita and Belladonna. The mother thanks the party for saving her daughter.   The Corrupt Guards: Party was approached by a couple guards telling them they were under arrest. Following the guard they are pulled into an alleyway with a Noble. The guards were actually hired bandits that begin to fight the party. One guard named Dill was charmed by Belladonna, convinicing him to leave, Anita shoots the Noble in the head killing him. The other guard Bill was paid higher than his dead employers price, making him walk off. Belladonna befriends both guards and meets their two dads Gil and Bill Sr., and recieves a horn of calling Bill and Dill, allowing her to call them once.   Dreamwalker of the Gods: The party noticed a couple villagers talking and arguing about their gods, and can't really get a good answer of why, other than one villager for a split second saying "help". The party goes to sleep, feeling their gods speak to them and whispering to spread their gospel. Anita is unaffected as she is agnostic. The party is suspicious but does other things, after the guard incident they decide to sleep, Anita waits awake to see what happens as she is unaffected, and Belladonna stays at Bill and Dill's home as they are athiests, asking them to wake her if anything is suspicious. The party begins to sleep walk, and the two awake members pretend to be sleepwalking as well towards the cultists blockade, tricking them and making it through. The party then comes across a Shadowlurker being summoned by two cultists, using the dreams and corrupting the divine energy of the sleeping villagers gods. The party defeats the creature and cultists, saving the village. A coin is dropped by the creature that has a Z on it, Belladonna notices the similarity with the door, and Angus picks it up, the coin latching on to his skin.   Party levels to 3
Report Date
12 Mar 2024
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Mar 25, 2024 19:35

Great session!!! #dandruffreee