Anna Fairbanks

Baroness Anna Fairbanks (a.k.a. Skarlagen)

"Though my time as a Tyr's guard has come to an end, the flames of my vigil still burn, in their scarlet light I shall protect my people from any threat that endeavors to bring them harm."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taking after her father's side of the Langier line, Anna is tall and quite physically strong, a trait that was only defined more into her adulthood with a favor for the use of heavy arms and armor.

By the time she had reach he mid thirties, she had come to be a physically imposing individual with enoug strength of arm to wield her great sword with practice ease.

Facial Features

Where she got her phhysicality and build from her fathers side, it was from her mother that she inherited her looks. While the Langier women were not known for being exceptionaly gorgeous, both Anna and her mother are fine examples of rustic down to earth beauty.

Identifying Characteristics

Anna has three phsycial traits that make her easy to spot in a crowd.

The first being her stark white hair. It is long and always kept ina very distinct style that features prominant braids adorned with silver rings that flow back into what hair is left lose while two more frame the side of her face.

Second is that she was left blind in her left eye, an injury obtained in a fight with A'groka Wyrmscrem.

And the third feature is a noteable split in her right eyebrow where an old injury healed and the hair never grew back.

Apparel & Accessories

Though her time in the Crusade has come to an end, Anna still wears many things associated with her time as a scarlet. The most distinct of which are her Gauntlets, Chausses, greaves, and sabatons that were given to her by Onslaught command in recognition to her ideals that mirrored those of the late High General Abbendis. As such, the armor was modled after her very own.

This has augmented this armor with a breastplate, surcoat, and pauldron the bears the colors of Marin's Eve as well as a white fur cloak of a distynct Vrykul design.
On her person Anna wears both her emblem of the crusade and her medalion of Tyr, both items that speak of the two orders close to her heart. On a sepearte chain worn about her neck one can find her wedding ring.

At times, when it comes to more official matters, she can be seen wearing the crown of Marin's Eve.

A stalwart, fierce, and tactically inclined leader that has only recently stepped forward to claim nobility. In years prior, Anna served the Scarlet Crusade where she became known for her unwavering and dedicated leadership.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
3rd of February, 595 KC
Rushlight, Tirisfal
Current Residence
Marin's Eve, Eastwald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair to Tan


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