Court & Sessions Etiquette - Throne Room Map

  • What kinds of Noble RP sessions are there monthly?: There are two sessions hosted each month. On the 1st Friday of the month is the Open Floor Session. On the 3rd Friday of the Month is the Summons Of The Estates Session.
  • What is the Open Floor Session?: The Open Floor session is where foreign and commoner interests may speak before the gathered nobles and ask things of the nobility. However, the nobility is not required to allow for requests, and the favor of the nobility can be fickle.
  • What is the Summons Of The Estates?: This is the formal session for the nobility: landed and unlanded to hold the floor. Only the registered nobles of Lordaeron in this project are treated as nobility. Voting is conducted by the registered landed nobles only. This is a more formal session.
  • What can topics be discussed?: Topics should be related to IC rp, and canon lore. Topics are conducted in turns, as led by the acting High Speaker of the session. This is to help keep rp on topic and from derailing. When a topic is currently being discussed on the floor, please stay on topic.
  • Who may attend court gatherings?: Court sessions are attended by Lordaeron landed and unlanded nobles alike, as well as diplomats, foreign dignitaries, invited guests, and commoners. Known hostile outside interests are not welcome at Court. There may be special Court sessions in which attendance is restricted, for those sessions it will be announced in advance restrictions. Open floor sessions are open to everyone (unlanded nobles, landed nobles, diplomats, etc), and Summons Of The Estates are for the landed nobles to speak, and vote at.
  • What is the method used to cast votes by nobles in RP?: We use the Division Of The Assembly method of casting votes in-game. This ancient system simply has the voting body to specific sides of the room to cast votes. The nay votes to one side of the room, and the yay votes to the other side of the room. You can learn more about its history here: - We also do absentee voting in this channel ic-voting (only nobles can access the channel).
  • What is the difference between an acknowledged Lordaeron noble, and an unacknowledged one?: An acknowledged Lordaeron noble is one who is in good standing with the Court. An unacknowledged Lordaeron noble is one who is not yet in good standing with the Court, and has no voting right or voice in Court. The unacknowledged Lordaeron noble may submit a petition to the court for acknowledgment. Due to the chaos surrounding how the Kingdom fell, and the events thereafter not all Lordaeron Nobles are truly worthy, and even many have betrayed their Kingdom. The Court is focusing on Lordaeron nobles who have not betrayed their oaths and will aid in restoring Lordaeron.
  • Are weapons allowed at Court?: Yes. The majority of the Forsaken Nobility live in paranoia and fear. They remain ready to fight to defend themselves and refuse to disarm.
  • Can my character be ICly removed from Court?: Yes. Only the High Speaker of the Session can order the ejection of any character from the session.
Ejection from the court is entirely at the discretion of the High Speaker. -Example: A foreign diplomat delivers a message that earns the ire of the session. The High Speaker may eject the Diplomat from the floor for the remainder of the session to regain order. -Example: A character is being disruptive and rude during a session. The High Speaker can order their ejection to regain order during the session.   The current acting guards are the ones to handle the ejection of a character. Ejection from a session can potentially have different duration lengths: a single session, to a full formal banishment from the court for the worst of offenses. In extreme cases, it is possible that a severe offender is executed on the session floor in the case of extreme self-defense. -Example: An assassin attacks a noble during a session, and the noble defending themself kills the assassin in self-defense while on the floor during a session.
  • What are the ranks of nobility in this court?: This project has a uniform standard for noble ranks within the project.

Throne Room Placement Map & Court Etiquette

  Standing before the presence of the Throne of Lordaeron in the court is a high honor. In the presence of the Throne, there is etiquette to be observed regarding where one might stand.   Etiquette In The Throne Room & In Court Sessions:
  • All other attendees (nobles, common, and foreign) must remain on the floor in their assigned positions and should be facing the Throne and High Speaker of the Session.
  • Characters are not to turn their backs to the Throne, nor to the High Speaker of the Session while Court is in session. When leaving the Throne room, backs may be presented to the throne.
  • During sessions, all present are to remain standing.
  • Only elected Lordaeron officials and appointed guards may stand near the Throne during sessions.
  • Those who may speak are based on the kind of Court session being hosted: Open Floor or Summons Of The Estate.
  • Only those who hold the floor may address those assembled.
  • Voting is conducted by registered landed nobility only during Summons Of The Estates sessions.
Guide, How-to


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