Environmental Influence & Impact Roll Chart

Players can use this optional chart to roll off for various environmental, political, and other effects that will impact their character’s land and life. How the rolls impact the land, and the character is left to player agency to rp as they so deem fit. Players can reroll charts in the event that the effect rolled does not align with their regional rp. Players can also opt to skip charts as they so see fit. Examples of use: story narrative during time skips, or during active rp.  

Large-Scale Environmental Effects

Roll 1D5 once per year. Region-wide natural effects will have a large-scale impact on areas.   Roll Result:
  1. Moderate Droughts. Effect: Moderate reduction in agriculture crops and overall regional plant life. Territories dependent on water trade will be moderately impacted by this. Living populations will struggle with the resources required to sustain life.
  2. Intense Prolonged Droughts. Effect: Severe reduction in agriculture crops, and overall regional plant life. Territories dependent on water trade will be severely impacted by this. Living populations will struggle with resources required to sustain life and may be forced to relocate. This could lead to severe wildfire problems depending on the regional biome.
  3. Moderately Favorable Seasonal Weather. Effect: Average production of agriculture crops, and overall healthy regional plant life. The seasonal weather during this time is ideal for sustaining life as is throughout the region in question.
  4. Highly Favorable Seasonal Weather. Effect: The weather for the seasons are very favorable resulting in a boom within the region. Agriculture crops flourish, and resources are plenty that are unique to the biome.
  5. Moderately Above Average Rainfall. Effect: Above-average rain falls in the region, resulting in periodic light flooding. This will have a negative impact on agriculture, plant life, and potentially urban communities.

Isolated Natural Disaster Table (optional events)

Roll 1d13 once per year. Players are free to use discretion for their own narrative as to what kinds of natural disasters that best suit their territory and may reroll as desired.   Roll Result:
  1. Minor Wildfires.
  2. Major Wildfires.
  3. Minor Earthquake.
  4. Major Earthquake.
  5. Extremely hard winter season with a prolonged blizzard.
  6. Extremely hard summer season with prolonged heat.
  7. Minor tornado season.
  8. Major tornado season.
  9. Minor hurricane season (coastal regions).
  10. Major hurricane season (coastal regions).
  11. Minor storms that are magical in nature disrupt the region.
  12. Major storms that are magical in nature disrupt the region.
  13. Uneventful. There are no exceptional natural events that happen.

Social / Political / Economic / Military Events (optional events)

Roll 1D28 twice per year.   Roll Result:
  1. Minor bandit activity causes unsafe trade.
  2. Major bandit activity causes unsafe trade and civil unease.
  3. Minor civil unrest due to tax resentment.
  4. Major civil unrest due to tax resentment.
  5. Religious extremist cult(s) found within borders: Twilight Hammer, Cult Of The Damned, Wolf Cult, Bloodfang Pack, Cult Of The Void
  6. Minor roaming Scourge packs move through the territory.
  7. Minor military rebellion.
  8. Minor increase in Scarlet Crusade activity.
  9. Major increase in Scarlet Crusade activity.
  10. Minor civil unrest over the perception of injustice regarding a criminal case.
  11. Major civil unrest over the perception of injustice regarding a criminal case.
  12. A trade secret is stolen from one of an economic powerhouse within your character’s region making the trade industry less competitive. This results in a slight loss of economic revenue.
  13. Important crops fail due to an ailment: fungus, parasites, salted/poisoned earth, or magical causes are all optional sources of the failure.
  14. There is an untimely and unexpected death of a character important to your character’s regional governance.
  15. Economic betrayal by a figure within the inner circle of acting officials within the character’s holdings such as their seneschal or a squire. The figure in question has stolen a substantial amount of gold to the detriment of the region.
  16. A minor spiritual/religious figure visits the region and their presence inspires the populace, boosting morale.
  17. A major spiritual/religious figure visits the region and their presence inspires the populace, boosting morale.
  18. A wealthy merchant trade group visits the region and during the duration of their stay, they help to foster economic growth and generate additional tax revenue.
  19. A military veteran and war hero from previous conflicts visits the duration. During their stay, they cooperatively work to inspire troops, loyalty, and mentor.
  20. A corrupt minor political figure within your character’s economy is caught and brought to justice. As a result, there is a minor increase in tax revenue filling the coffers.
  21. A corrupt major political figure within your character’s economy is caught and brought to justice. As a result, there is a substantial increase in tax revenue filling the coffers.
  22. There is a political/military marriage arrangement within the region that creates internal stability and strengthens internal alliances within the region loyal to your character.
  23. A criminal figure within your territory has been captured and brought to justice.
  24. Festivals conducted in the region are well attended and are conducted with minimal complications. This provides a minor boost to the economy and morale in the region.
  25. An audit of accounts results in the discovery of additional funding in your character’s favor resulting in a minor surge in wealth.
  26. An audit of accounts results in the discovery of additional funding in your character’s favor resulting in a major surge in wealth.
  27. A new trade secret within one of the industries operating within your region is discovered. This results in a permanent minor economic gain within that industry.
  28. There is an important birth within a household that further cements and fortifies internal alliances important to the stability of the character’s holdings.


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