Expectations of the Chancelleries

This document is to provide guidance to the prospective Chancellors of the Eternal Court of Lordaeron. These will outline the goals of each Chancellery, as well as both IC and OOC boundaries for them. For any questions, please reach out to any Moderator and we will be happy to assist you. These positions will inevitably have some overlap with each other, it is expected that the Chancellors coordinate to solve any issues that arise.  
  • Length Of Term: 4 months
  • Position By Election At Summons Of The Estates
  • Any of the Chancellors may act as High Speaker, and host a floor session.
  The Chancellery of War The In-Character goal of the Chancellery of War is to secure the borders of Lordaeron and ensure the destruction or incorporation of large-scale internal threats, such as wandering Warlords who have yet to bend the knee to Lordaeron.   The Chancellor of War may call upon the forces of the Court in times of crisis, or an immediate danger threatens the peaceability of Lordaeron. They are also responsible for the ongoing operations of the Lordaeron Military, typically writing documents about IC deployments of Lordaeron forces.   The Chancellor of War may issue Border Passes should the Chancellor of the Interior be unavailable. The Chancellor of War is able to host military-style campaigns within Lordaeron, however, it must be approved by the moderation team beforehand.   The Chancellery of Foreign Affairs The In-Character goal of the Chancellery of Foreign Affairs is to be the external face of the Court, conducting diplomatic missions to the various Kingdoms and factions of the realm. The Chancellery of Foreign Affairs may also conduct diplomatic missions within Lordaeron to the various Warlords who may wish to bend the knee to Lordaeron.   The Chancellery of Foreign Affairs may call upon the allies of Lordaeron in their time of need should the Chancellery of War request it, or be unavailable to request such aid. This must be done with moderator approval.   The Chancellery of Foreign Affairs may issue border passes should the Chancellor of the Interior be unavailable, or discretion is required. They may conduct large scale diplomatic missions to various projects on the server, however, they must be approved by the moderation team.   The Chancellery of the Interior The In-Character goal of the Chancellery of the Interior is to secure the internal borders of Lordaeron from the various threats which plague the land, and attend to infrastructure concerns within the borders which may require the aide of the military. They are also responsible for issuing Border Passes to the various individuals who wish to come to Lordaeron for official business.   The Chancellor of the Interior is responsible for infrastructure projects, taxes, and re-settlement. The Chancellor of the Interior may call upon the aid of the military should the Chancellor of War be unavailable or unable to assist.   The Chancellor of the Interior may host ceremonial events, and address internal threats such as an uprising within a Lord/Lady’s land*. Events involving other communities must be given moderator approval.   * The owner of the land must consent to the conflict, you must obtain proper consent and submit it to the moderation team before doing said event.
Nobility, Non-hereditary


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