Lordaeron Noble Registry & Voting Rights

    • Do I need to register my Lordaeron noble to rp within the group to be treated as a noble of Lordaeron?: Yes. To better build immersion we require players to register their character(s) with the project.
    • Do I have to register each of my Lordaeron noble characters in the project?: Yes. Any character who will have a noble presence in this project is to be registered on a character-by-character basis in the noble registration discord channel. We do not accept blanket registrations of whole households. We do not treat unregistered noble characters as registered.
    • Can I register a child character as a noble?: No. We are an adult-only player and character space with all players and characters expected to be mature adults over the age of 18. We do not allow for child characters to join the project. In the case of heirs who are children, they should be npcs.
    • Can my living Lordaeron character join in on this court and rp?: Most certainly! Of course, the process of coming home and being acknowledged by the Court will need to be played out in rp depending on the circumstances.
    • Do you accept nobles of foreign nations outside Lordaeron?: While we rp with other noble groups, foreign nobles are just that: foreigners. The registered nobles of Lordaeron, are of Lordaeron. Nobles of Lordaeron should be loyal to their Kingdom.
    • Is Lordaeron currently Alliance, Neutral, or Horde? As of patch 9.2.5 Calia Menethil, the rightful claimant to the throne of Lordaeron has joined the Forsaken and the Desolate Council. The Forsaken and Desolate Council are firmly of the Forsaken, and thus the Horde. All the same, some neutral organizations still operate at this time within the borders of Lordaeron such as the Argent Crusade. However, the rightful claim to the Throne of Lordaeron has made it very clear in the quest text, that she is Forsaken and is NOT of the Alliance. Furthermore, in the book ‘Before The Storm’ when Calia is murdered by Sylvanas at the gathering in Arathi, Sylvanas is able to do so because Calia is NOT a member of the Alliance. That said, loyalty to one's Kingdom does not allow for passive neutrality in the face of invasion and threats. Noble oaths traditionally include defense pacts and defensive terms. Nobles who do not raise the sword to defend their lands and crown are often seen as traitors.
    • Does this project accept nobles of Lordaeron who are sworn loyal to another Kingdom? If a character is a member of Lordaeron nobility, and they have since sworn loyalty to a nation like Stormwind? Depending on the circumstances in which the Lordaeron noble swore loyalty to a foreign nation, they may be seen as an outright traitor to the Crown. Swearing loyalty to any nation or crown other than your own is a traitorous act within the world of nobility. At the very least, such a character would most likely no longer be seen as a noble of Lordaeron.
    • Who has voting rights in court?: Only registered landed members of Lordaeron nobility that are in good standing with the court may vote. Unlanded nobles may attend court and voice opinions but lack voting rights. Players are also required to be active members of the court who take part in rp as well have an active game subscription.
    • When is voting conducted by the nobles?: At the Summons Of The Estates session once a month, and only landed nobles registered with the project may vote.
    • Do landed or unlanded nobles have voting rights?: A landed noble has voting rights and is generally considered the head of the noble household. The size of the land of this noble is normally enough to generate a certain threshold of tax revenue and can supply military aid. Simply owning land does not make someone a landed noble. Unlanded nobles do not have voting rights but are still considered a part of the nobility. An unlanded noble is a lesser noble of a household that is not the head of the Estate. They could be an heir, or someone very low in the bloodline that does not speak for the family. Though this noble may own some land such as a house they do not own enough land to generate noteworthy taxable revenue or be able to muster sizable military aid and are not the head of the main household.
    • Who may present a bill for voting during a Summons Of The Estate?: The Summons of the Estate is a space in which the nobility and select invited guests may hold the floor. Most often only the nobility may hold the floor, and are the only ones able to formally present a bill to be voted on by their peers. Only registered landed nobles can vote. When a petition is brought to the floor, it needs to be presented by its creator(s) and sponsor(s), not a 3rd party.
    • Bills, and other formal affairs presented to and/or by the nobility should be tastefully named. Meme and troll bills are not welcome.
    • Who may vote during Court Sessions?: Registered landed nobles. Unlanded nobles that are registered with the project do not speak on behalf of their estate unless instructed to do so on a temporary basis by their landed noble who holds the territory. Players engaged in voting also must have active subscriptions to the game, and be active players in the court. Votes are restricted to 1 vote per player. If for example, a player has 3 landed nobles in the project, we ask that they vote on only their most active noble, not all 3.
    • Does registration for a noble expire?: Yes. Registrations are done on a year-by-year basis. This is to cull inactive accounts from the project. Inactive players are welcome to return at any time, but will need to reregister their noble.
    • Can Heirs act as appointed officials in the place of a landed noble? In a limited capacity yes. However, the heir first needs to be a registered noble with the project. An Heir can not act as in the stead of an appointed official. If an heir is not registered with the project they have no rights as a noble within the project until fully registered.

  Heirs Of Registered Nobility Are Permitted To:
    • A registered heir can vote on behalf of a household with the advanced permission of the Head Of Household on a case-by-case basis. All player characters must be registered with the project.
    • Registered noble heirs function as unlanded nobles, and get all such privileges and rights.
    • An heir who is a registered unlanded noble can run for office to earn a seat as an elected official.

  Restrictions On Heirs & Voting Rights:
    • An heir can not vote on behalf of an absent landed noble without the heir being registered in the project.
    • If the landed noble is present of the household an heir belongs to, the heir may not vote on behalf of the household. Only the head of the noble household may vote when the landed noble is present.
    • An heir can not stand in the place of a noble to present petitions to the court for voting without having drafted the petition to be voted on. Only the creator of a petition can present it.
    • Heirs do not have unlimited voting rights and access. Voting rights are case by case only and are not granted in an unlimited form.
    • Heirs of elected officials do not assume the rights or duties of those officials. Nor can the positions of elected officials be ‘gifted’ to an heir.
    • Do bastards of nobles need to register?: Bastard characters present wonderful story options and can be woven into stories with existing players and npc lines. Only if the bastard is the sole remaining claim to a family title, or is being acknowledged by the noble who is the registered head of Household as legitimate. Bastards in and of themselves have little rights or claim to titles by default. Bastards are however welcome to oocly cooperate with other players to be woven into rp family trees.
    • Does this project accept nobles of Foreign nations?: Diplomatic engagement in the form of dialog with foreign nobility is permitted. Foreign nobles are welcome to visit and rp with the community. However foreign nobles welcome to visit and interact with the court should be from canon lore Kingdoms that are active in the timeline.
    • Does this project interact with fandom Kingdoms?: No. We prefer to interact with canon lore Kingdoms and groups.



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