Noble Rank: Count / Countess

A hereditary title passed down to the eldest child in a family noble that is the superior of a Baron/ness, and the inferior of a Duke/Duchess. The Count / Countess is the holder of a County, and their primary duty is to act as an agent and representative to a Duke, Duchess, or the Queen herself in courts foreign.  
  • Are player submissions of this rank permitted: Yes.
  • Voting Rights: Landed nobles of this rank have voting rights. Unlanded nobles of this rank do not have voting rights
  • Titles & Address: Example form of address: Count/Countess [First Name, Last Name] of [Estate/Holdings.]
  • Crown Style: Silver & Gold Colored circlet with jewel accents and ornamentation.May be engraved or acid-etched.
  • Authority extends down to those operating within their regional territory of lower noble rank.
  • Hereditary: Lands may pass to a single-blooded heir. Unlanded claims are passed to heirs.
Example of Crown For Count / Countess Rank Nobility:
Nobility, Hereditary


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