Noble Rank: Earls, Prince, Princess

Members of this elite noble rank are made up of the royal line, and the highest tiers of the nobility. These individuals would oversee vast regions, such as all of Silverpine or Tirisfal Glades. We do not permit the RP of members of the Royal line, and do not permit character submissions of this rank. individuals of the Prince or Princess rank will include the denotation of crowned or uncrowned in terms of succession rights.  
  • Are player submissions of this rank permitted: No.
  • Voting Rights: Landed nobles of this rank have voting rights. Unlanded nobles of this rank do not have voting rights
  • Crown Style: Silver & Gold circlet with blue jewel accents, ornamentation, and four arching pillars. May be engraved or acid-etched. A crowned Prince or Princess will typically wear a crown of lavish ornamentation for ceremonial display.
  • Hereditary: Lands may pass to a single-blooded heir. Unlanded claims are passed to heirs.
  Example of Crown For Earl / Princes / Princess Rank Nobility:
Nobility, Hereditary


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