Noble Rank: Lord / Lady

A minor noble title given to knights, vassal families, and exceptional commoners as a means of reward for services to the kingdom. Lords and Ladies generally own a manor house and a small parcel of land within the holdings of the higher-ranking noble who granted them this title. May be used interchangeably with Sir and Dame for Knights who have been awarded this title.  
  • Are player submissions of this rank permitted: Yes.
  • Voting Rights: Members of this rank do not have voting rights.
  • Titles & Address: Sir/Dame [First Name, Last Name] AND/OR Lord/Lady [Surname.]
  • Crown Style: Silver-colored circlet without ornamentation, without jewels.
  • Hereditary: Not hereditary, individual awards only.
Example of Crown For Lord / Lady Rank Nobility:
Nobility, Non-hereditary


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