Noble Rank: Margrave

An appointed title was given to those assigned with the protection and governance of a border province in contested lands or even an outpost or fortress with land. This title can be held by high-ranking members of the kingdom's knighthood, and held in concert with any of the other titles of the peerage. The Margrave's duty is to ensure that the military forces quartered in their jurisdiction are housed and equipped and that fortifications are maintained. During times of siege within the territory, the holder of this title is considered the highest-ranking noble member of the court in their assigned territory.  
  • Are player submissions of this rank permitted: Yes.
  • Voting Rights: Landed nobles of this rank have voting rights. Unlanded nobles of this rank do not have voting rights
  • Titles & Address: [Rank of Peerage] + [First Name, Last Name], Margrave of [Territory]. ((Example: Countess Charlotte Baudelaire of Ironwald, Margrave of Silverpine Forest.))
  • Crown Style: Dwarven Steel circlet without ornamentation, without jewels. May be engraved or acid-etched.
  • Authority extends down to those operating within their regional territory of lower noble rank. In times of war, within the territory, the noble responsible for defense is deferred to by all others of noble rank within the territory.
  • This title is hereditary. The landed title may be passed to a single-blooded heir.
Example of Crown For Margrave Rank Nobility:
Nobility, Hereditary


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